Asgardian Training Resumes! Returning to Kyoto!

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A/N This chapter will be training until near the end when Izuku returns back to Kyoto and begins to be Yasaka's bodyguard. Izuku will learn all that he can from the Asgardian's in terms of their magical abilities as he will become an honorary Asgardian as he trains under Thor and Rossweisse. But overall Rossweisse will join Izuku's harem, just not at the moment since she is his mentor at the moment. Let's begin the chapter!

As Izuku was in the arena training with his new weapons that were made by Itri the Golem from Nidavilier, he was noticing how he was not dying of the power coursing through his veins. 'How are these weapons not even killing me? I should be suffering from mental anguish from holding such weapons though.' Izuku thought to himself as he trained himself. Thor had arrived as Izuku was showing his prowess with the weapons that were created for him as he increased his own strength rather than the strength he would have with the Boosted Gear, he still trained with his Boosted Gear, but he made sure that it was noticeably farther behind in terms of power. As he was training with Thor, Rossweisse had come into the arena in order to test the magic abilities he had learned from her as a test of his mettle for the Asgardians. She was impressed with his ability to recognize the danger in his area and whilst fighting Thor to a standstill, he managed to make an Asgardian barrier around himself and Thor as their attacks got stronger and stronger. It became so strong that his own barrier had broken down from the shockwaves their punches had made on contact with one another once enough had been thrown at the other. "Izuku, the training that you are receiving from us is coming to an end within a week. What do you wish to do during that timeframe?" Rossweisse asked, curious. "I want to spend that time learning all that I can about Asgardian magic, if I can master your races magic... I can become one of the most powerful Red Dragon Emperor's in history if I train hard enough." Izuku said, dodging an attack from Thor barely. Even Izuku had to admit that he was having fun fighting Thor, even though the Norse God of Thunder had been holding back tremendously. With his physical abilities tested already to the limit Thor stepped back as he nodded in approval of how well he was doing. "That will be the last time you train under me, Izuku. I will remember your name for the Eons that would show your legend as the strongest Red Dragon Emperor in history! I cannot wait until you enter Valhalla and train with us for the rest of eternity as a God!" Thor called out, as he gave Izuku a hug. Izuku was a little confused about why he was receiving a hug from this God, but he reciprocated the hug as he nuzzled himself into it. Unknowingly his Draconic wings and tail came out as his tail wagged a little from the love he got, even his ears became sharper as they twitched from the love.


As Thor had left the arena in order to tell his father about Izuku's training in terms of physical training pertains to be complete, Rossweisse began to continue Izuku's training in the Asgardian magic as well as the magic the Valkyries learned. Izuku was showing Rossweisse that he was an extremely fast learner since he was showing signs of being a prodigy in terms of learning magic as well as learning how to fight better than he normally would. He used to telegraph his attacks at the start, but over time he had managed to make sure that his movements were so fast it would take some time to get used to his fighting style, but then at the drop of a dime, he would change it forcing you to take time to relearn before the process changed once again. He was becoming a better fighter and quickly, so she wanted to make sure that his magic proficiency was as evolutionary as possible in order to utilize his magic in different ways to confuse his opponents whoever decided to fight him. She was going through her latest class when it was interrupted when someone with silver hair landed near her. "Who are you! And how did you get into Asgard!" Rossweisse called out angrily. She had even pointed a spear made of Uru at the young man as he looked around the place with a battle hungry look. "My name is Vali Lucifer, and I want to become stronger than the current Red Dragon Emperor." The now named Lucifer said, as Rossweisse looked at the boy with a scrutinizing look. "I'm sorry but I am currently teaching a student at the moment." Rossweisse said, as she pointed towards the outside of the arena. "If you wish to learn how to fight better, find Thor. He will be in the main hall talking to Odin-sama." Rossweisse said, as Vali nodded his head and left. As soon as they were away and far enough to not hear them Ddraig decided to make his presence known to them. [That was the White One partner, why didn't you engage with him?] Ddraig called out. "That was because it felt like he was powerful enough to kill me when I wasn't using you. I didn't want to give up my cover as the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation. I want to be kept in the dark from his eyes until I am ready to fight him." Izuku said, as Ddraig huffed before heading back to sleep. [Just make sure that you don't get killed early by him alright?] Ddraig said, falling asleep. "Will do partner, will do." Izuku said, getting back to his magic training.

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