I like showers too ! And Sometimes the occasional bath

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Who are you and why are you in my garage?

"Uhm, I live here?" Nick asked the guy. He actually wanted to tell him to fuck off, but then remembered the kind of see-through guy who literally appeared out of thin air.

Could just be me, but I'm asking myself how we got back here," the short guy with the beanie exclaimed.

Wait, wait, let's introduce ourselves. Do you guys actually have no manners?" That Noah or something asked.

"I'm Karl," the brunette with the color block shirt exclaimed happily. "And that's Noah, and that's Alex," first pointing to the tall guy with black hair and then the short one with the beanie and sunglasses.

After that cool introduction, Alex told the story of what the band thought was the night before.

"So, let's walk that through," Nick said with obvious shock in his voice.

"You got to play at a huge venue."

"So, let's walk that through," Nick said with obvious shock in his voice.

"You got to play at a huge venue," Noah proudly stated.

"The Ryman Auditorium, to be exact," Noah proudly stated.

"Then you ate at some street hotdog place, got food poisoning and, like, died?"

"Exactly," Karl replied.

"I'm going to need a 2-hour long shower to process this," Nick scoffed.

"Oh, I like showers too, and the occasional bath," Noah stated happily.

"You're lucky you can play drums," Alex tiredly reported.

"This is all good and well, but you need to get out of my house. I have to practice with my band."

Sorry this is short !!
Im physically incapable of writing more than 200 words


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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