Chapter 1: The Calling

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"I'm sorry I must do this to you..."

Jon awoke in a cold sweat feeling a sense of dread. But as he came to his senses and took in the familiarities of his room he sighed with relief.

"What was that about?"

He said to himself rhetorically.

Before he could ponder the dream he just had, his mother called for him from the ground level of their home.

"Jon, are you awake yet!? You're going to miss your awakening!"

In a state of panic and excitement, Jon was dressed and out the door of his parent's small two-story home.

"Sorry Mom, thanks for making sure I woke up!"

Jon called behind him as his front door swung shut. His mother gave him a slight smile and nodded through the window as he skipped down the pathway leading to the village's main road.

As the sun cast its warm golden rays over Havenbrook, a humble village nestled in the kingdom of Aridia, Jon's heart was brimming with dreams of adventure.

Jon had always been captivated by the tales of mighty hunters who roamed the land, their exploits whispered in hushed tones by the villagers.

As a child, Jon spent hours listening to his father's stories about legendary creatures and heroic battles. His father, a retired hunter, regaled him with tales of courageous warriors wielding swords, mighty mages conjuring elemental forces, and skilled rogues maneuvering in the shadows. These stories stirred a fire within Jon's heart, igniting his own desire to become a hunter.

On this particular day, with the taste of adventure lingering in the air, Jon's youthful enthusiasm was matched by his determination. He sprinted through the village streets, his bare feet carrying him with a speed that belied his age. His destination was the village square, where a gathering was taking place to celebrate the coming of age of the village's children.

As Jon arrived at the square, he saw the other children of Havenbrook already assembled, their faces filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. They wore simple garments, reflecting the humble nature of their upbringing. The air was thick with anticipation, for this was the day when the village elder would determine the path each child would follow.

Jon's heart raced as he stood among his peers, his gaze fixed on the village elder, a wise and weathered figure known as Elder Aria. The elder's eyes scanned the group of children, her presence commanding respect and reverence. She began to speak, her voice carrying the weight of age and wisdom.

"Today, we gather to witness the awakening of our young ones, their spirits blooming with untapped potential."

Elder Aria addressed the crowd.

"Each of you carries a unique destiny, and it is time to reveal the path that lies before you."

As the elder continued, she called forth the children one by one, bestowing upon them her guidance. Some were chosen for the path of the warrior, others for the path of the mage, rogue, healer, or summoner. With each announcement, the children's eyes shone with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Finally, it was Jon's turn. His heart pounded in his chest as he stepped forward, meeting Elder Aria's gaze. The elder studied him for a moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of compassion and foresight. And then, with a nod of affirmation, she spoke the words that would shape Jon's destiny.

"Young Jonathan Ashborn, your spirit bears the mark of a warrior."

Elder Aria declared, her voice carrying across the square.

"Embrace the path of the warrior and let your strength and valor be your guide."

A wave of both relief and exhilaration washed over Jon as the words sank in. He had been chosen to follow the path he had yearned for, the path of the warrior. He was eager to be much like his father.

As the elder touched Jon's forehead imbuing him with her guidance, the world around Jon slowed as if time itself held its breath. Everything became eerily still, and a profound sense of duality washed over him.

Just as suddenly as the moment came it went. But before Jon could comprehend what had happened, the elder spoke once more repeating what she had said only moments prior.

"Young Jonathan Ashborn, your spirit bears the mark of a summoner."

Elder Aria declared once more in a slight deviation from her previous statement.

Jon tilted his head in confusion as the words echoed through the air.

Had he misheard? Or was something truly amiss? He glanced around the square, searching for any sign that the others had noticed the alteration, but their expressions remained unchanged. It was as if the world had conspired to keep this peculiar twist of fate hidden from all but him.

Attempting to collect himself, Jon redirected his focus to Elder Aria, who stood before him with a serene smile, oblivious to the discrepancy. Her voice held the same weight of wisdom as before, yet the words had shifted, carrying an entirely different meaning. Jon's mind whirled with questions. How could he be chosen as both a warrior and a summoner? Was it a mistake? Or did it hint at a hidden power within him? Doubt and uncertainty gnawed at his core, threatening to unravel his excitement and fill it with fear.

With great effort, Jon fought to push aside his confusion and maintain a composed façade. He didn't want to draw attention to himself or raise any suspicions. As the awakening ceremony concluded, the children dispersed, their eyes ablaze with the anticipation of their chosen paths. Jon blended in with the crowd, his thoughts racing and his heart burdened by the secret he alone carried.

Returning home, Jon found solace within the familiar walls of his family's humble abode. His mother, a kind and caring woman by the name of Eveline, greeted him with a warm smile. Her chestnut brown hair, streaked with hints of silver, falling in gentle waves around her shoulders, framing a face that bears the gentle lines of a life filled with love and care.

"How did it go, Jon?"

She asked, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Jon hesitated, his mind still grappling with the bewildering experience he had just undergone. He glanced into his mother's eyes, searching for answers, but her gaze held only love and excitement for his future.

"It was... amazing."

He managed to say, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty.

"Elder Aria said I'd be a warrior."

His mother beamed, proud of her son's acceptance into the path of the warrior. She embraced him tightly, unaware of the inner turmoil that churned within him. Jon clung to her, finding comfort in her warmth, but he couldn't find the words to share the strange divergence in the elder's words. It was a secret he would keep for now, unsure of its meaning and implications.

In the safety of his room, Jon sank onto his bed, gazing out at the sunset casting a warm glow over Havenbrook. His mind replayed the events of the day, the altered words of Elder Aria resounding in his thoughts.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Jon's gaze was drawn to a glimmering object on his bedside table. It was a small, intricately carved medallion, a family heirloom passed down through generations. He reached for it, his fingers tracing the delicate patterns etched into its surface.

Suddenly, a surge of energy coursed through Jon's body, causing the medallion to glow with a brilliant, otherworldly light. The room around him seemed to fade away, replaced by a mysterious realm pulsating with raw magic. Shadows danced and whispered, and Jon felt an unmistakable presence watching him.

In the midst of this ethereal display, a voice echoed in Jon's mind, soft but commanding.

"Seek the truth, young warrior... Uncover the secret of your dual calling... For within lies a destiny that transcends the boundaries of this world."

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