Chapter 4: A Father's Wisdom

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Weeks had passed since Jon's encounter with the mysterious girl in the market. Now, in the quiet comfort of their kitchen, Jon sat across from his father, Marcus, a significant conversation looming between them.


Marcus began, his voice filled with paternal guidance.

"Now that you're sixteen, it's time to think about your future as a hunter. You have the opportunity to enroll in a Hunter Academy within our region."

Jon's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he absorbed his father's words. The idea of choosing an academy and embarking on a path of adventure thrilled him.

Marcus leaned forward, sharing his wisdom.

"Each academy has its own way of training hunters, with different values and approaches. It's important to find one that aligns with your goals and what you value."

Jon nodded, his mind brimming with questions. He wanted to make an informed decision and find an academy that resonated with his aspirations.

Marcus continued, speaking in a casual tone.

"Let me tell you a bit about some of the academies in our kingdom. There's Solaris Academy, known for discipline, strategy, and precision. They focus on developing strategic thinking and precise techniques."

Jon's interest piqued, and he nodded, absorbing the information.

"Then, there's Verdant Grove Academy," Marcus continued, "they have a deep connection with nature and emphasize harmony. They train hunters to understand and respect the balance of nature."

Jon's imagination wandered, envisioning himself traversing lush forests and honing his skills in tune with the natural world.

Marcus went on, his voice carrying warmth.

"Stormreaver Academy is all about adaptability and versatility. They prepare hunters for any situation, teaching them to be resilient and adjust their strategies on the fly."

Jon's excitement grew, imagining himself facing different challenges with agility and resourcefulness.

"Another academy is Astral Eclipse Academy," Marcus said. "They delve into mysticism and elemental mastery. Hunters there learn to wield the power of the elements and maintain balance in their abilities."

Jon's mind filled with visions of conjuring elemental forces and harnessing their power.

Marcus concluded.

"Lastly, there's Crimson Blade Academy. They focus on bravery, valor, and chivalry, instilling a strong code of honor and combat skills."

Jon's heart stirred, envisioning himself as a knight, upholding justice and protecting the weak.

Marcus smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Jon's shoulder.

"Take your time, Jon. Explore further, talk to hunters who have attended these academies, and find the one that resonates with you. It's a decision that will shape your future."

Jon thanked his father for his guidance, feeling a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to choose his own path. As he set off to do more research and seek advice from experienced hunters, he knew that the decision was ultimately his to make.

But who would be some knowledgeable hunters for him to gather information from? Jon thought he should perhaps ask his father where to start. With a determined look in his eyes, Jon turned to his father and asked,

"Dad, do you have any suggestions on who I should talk to? Hunters who could provide valuable insights about the different academies?"

Marcus nodded, appreciating Jon's initiative.

"There are a few hunters in town who would be excellent sources of information."

He replied, thinking for a moment.

"I recommend speaking with Elysia, Rhea, and Asher. They can share their experiences from Stormreaver Academy, Verdant Grove Academy, and Astral Eclipse Academy, respectively."

Jon mentally noted the names of the hunters, eager to seek their counsel. He thanked his father and set off on his quest to engage in conversations with the Hunters.

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