◇Larry × Galarian! champ! reader◇

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This man just deserves the world

Also sorry to my fellow brits, i am using dialect in typing form which is not good!

It had been a month since you moved to Paldea after 3 years of being the Galarian champion, joining the Elite four as some back-up encase any of the actual members got sick.

It was surprisingly hard to make friends as most of the others did not understand you through your thick accent and brisk way of talking, the only one who did was Larry.

"...and then this huge Wooloo came crashin through the door! We were like mate, ya can't come in 'ere like that."

You rambled on, you and Larry sat in the Treasure eatery for your lunch break; it was a nice distraction from the monotonous work day, especially when you would ramble on about a adventure you had in Gallar.

"You say that they are normal types..? Maybe thats a Pokémon I could add to my team.."

He pondered, slightly surprised by the shaking of your head.

"The poor thing would bake in the sun owa here! Sometimes people get their hands stuck in the wool, thats 'ow much they grow!"

You continued to babble, unaware of the small smile on Larry's lips as he listened and quietly ate his food. There was no way to know that your friendship would change after work.

You had no idea but Hassel had helped Larry set up a surprise for you with some of the knowledge he had gained on Galarian customs.

The rest of the work day was nice, even if it was quiet; Poppy even gave you a drawing she did of your beloved Runerigus, the mess of crayon being proudly taped up at your desk with the decor on your desk moved so you could see it perfectly.

You smiled, typing away at your desk while admiring the art given to you, Rika even asked about it and seemed to smile at your genuine joy in the simple drawing.

"Seems Poppy is growing to like you, Y/N...Oh, before I forget; Larry wanted you to meet him after work."

You looked curious, turning the chair to face Rika.

"'E does? Mint! Can ya tell him I'll wait for him to clock out?"

Rika seemed to take a moment before you sighed, clearing your throat and trying again; forcing your accent down as you took your time in hopes that it would be easier to understand.

"Can you tell him that I will wait for him to clock out?"

Rika nods, giving a cheeky smile before walking off, leaving you to your work again...it made you think, Should you be more quiet? Try and learn to stop the thick accent you have developed over decades? It was alot of thoughts in your head and before you knew it, your shift was over and a specific man was waiting for you while adjusting his tie.

"Y/N..? Are you ready to go?"

You seemed to snap out of your thoughts, trying to speak more clearly as you nodded.

"Aye, uhm- yes.. Yes I'm okay to get moving."

As you stood up you could swear that Larry looked confused at your sudden shift of wording. By now he was more than used to your thick Galarian accent and the dialect you used so it was a shock to hear you try and not use it.

"Y/N..? Are you okay?"

You nodded, giving a shy smile as Larry also softly nodded, making sure you followed him as you both walked to his appartment; inside the tidy home was his normal types and his flying types, His staraptor being happy to see you as it perched on Larry so it could get a pet.

"Heya buddy..You know you cannot sit on your dad."

By now Larry had deffinately picked up on the accent change, along with his Pokémon as his staraptor fluffed up as if it didn't recognise you at all, Larry sheepishly speaking as he tried to calm the bird.

"He doesn't recognise your voice, Y/N...We all have gotten used to your accent."

You could only let out a 'oh' at the information, getting embarassed as you finally decided to just go back to how you were..after all, Larry and all his Pokémon had gotten used to your fast paced and energetic talking. Why the hell should you change? Sure it was hard at times to understand you but, patience and time will help others learn to understand.

"Eee..Sorry there, Im just tryin' to make meself easier to understand. I guess thats gan out the window"

Larry gave a smile as you chuckled, his staraptor calming down at your voice and giving some small nuzzles as Larry moved to pick up a pokeball and hold it out to you.

"...I got you this. I asked Hassel for help since I'm still not used to this.."

You were confused and surprised, gently taking the pokeball to reveal an Applin. Applin were normally given to people's crushes as a way to ask them out and your remember rattling on once about the story of the Applin-based romanticism.

Warmth flushed to your cheeks and a smile crossed your lips as you slowly moved to hug Larry, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he also blushed, his monotone voice seeming a little more warm as he spoke.

"So i take it that you accept..?"

The feeling of lips against lips silently answered the question as you softly whispered, placing your forehead on his in a tender moment as his hands came to a rest at your hips.

"Of course! I love you, Larry. Thank you for doing this, It means the world to me."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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