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Harry didn't show up

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Harry didn't show up.

Around 4 am, I made it to the top of the rooftop at the orphanage.

A year or so after Harry left, my dad was able to transfer all of the children into a better facility where they'd be treated with better care. This particular orphanage was shut down for investigation of 'suspicious activity' as he called it. The building was never demolished. Though the walls are weaker than they used to be, it still stands.

There are two ways to get to it. One of them is the more accessible and known way, the one I'd usually take while my parents drove me. The other way was the little shortcut through the forest that I'd usually walk with Harry after school or after he'd spend some time with me at my house. That's the one I used today.

Entering the property wasn't a problem and not even passing all of the rooms, climbing up and up the stairs until I could push the large metal door open. It drags against the concrete as it opens up and slams hard behind me after slipping through the gap.

It's been two hours and Harry has yet to show up.

Indeed, I was given time to myself and my thoughts. At the house, the damn door wouldn't open as much as I pulled and tugged at the knob but sitting here, on a rooftop that exposes me to nothing but nature and a changing sky, the door opens.

One of the results of opening that door and allowing myself to sit in the centre of that room was that there was something that needed to be done, something that needed to be taken care of that Harry needed to hear about.

Lifting my hips slightly, I reach into my pocket to retrieve my phone, needing to make a call while under the benefit of the doubt that Harry will be here soon. I didn't have his number however, I did have his girlfriend's.

So I call her instead, aware that it's way too early for this but for Harry and I to be completely open to each other, this has to be done. I can't just tear off an entire chapter of my book just to hide it from him.

"Hi Remi," I said into the phone after she picked up. "Es? What's going on?" She says through a yawn, the old nickname stiffens my body for a second. "Is Niall around? I'd like to speak to him, please," I recovered, remembering the point of this.

"Yeah? What for?" She curiously asks. "Harry," I stated simply. She says nothing else, it takes a second for the person on the other side of the phone to be Niall.

"Hello?" His rough voice toned in his accent meets my ear. "Harry followed me back to our home town and we're going to talk. A real talk, Niall. I have to tell him. You don't even deserve the kindness of me telling you this but I thought you should know. So you can...prepare," Niall actually started interrupting me the second I said I had to tell Harry but I kept talking louder over him.

"No. You can't fucking do that, Esrin! Don't put this on me," he denies in a hushed tone and I hear the noises of him probably leaving Remi to go somewhere private. "It's not up to you, Niall. Last time I checked, you're the one that-"

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