chapter one

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“Damn… how long has it been since then?”

Peachy smiled while looking down to her lap trying to figure out the answer.

“Like a year or two? I forgot at this point, hehe.”

“Pretty close, lovey dovey,” Spidey answered while putting an arm around his girl. “It’s been three years.”

“Oh yeah. Against all odds, you’re better at remembering such things than I am, hehe…”

Peachy rested her head against Spidey’s shoulder before speaking again.

“I remember us meeting when I got hired for that Manstepp project back in ‘23. You know, that series Nick made?”

“Yeah… brings back a lot of memories,” Spidey said while looking up at the ceiling. “Both good and not so good ones…”

Peachy looked at Spidey.

“Good and bad situations came and went. But throughout all of that I kept thinking you were pretty cool.”

Peachy buried her head in Spidey’s shoulder while blushing.

“Ever since January of that year…”

Spidey looked back at Peachy in confusion.

“Wait, really? Ever since January?”

“Yeah, I told you before, didn’t I?”

Spidey stared into oblivion for a few seconds before replying with an “Oh.” Peachy giggled at his reaction.

“You can be such an airheaded goofball sometimes.”

“Guess that wasn’t the reason you fell for me, huh?” Spidey replied, still looking in front of him.

“No, back then I just thought you were a cool guy, with cool ideas for animation,” Peachy said.

Spidey looked down at his girlfriend.

“So remind me, how did that develop into this?”

Peachy took a few seconds to dig into her memories.

“Back then, I just broke up with a guy from high school, so I was longing for someone to talk with. But then came the opportunity to add a new character into Manstepp.”

“Oh yeah, it was on the verge of being canceled. We needed some stuff to keep it alive.”

“Yup. That’s when I designed Renée and presented it to the team. I didn’t want to lose my job, hehe…”

Spidey smiled. “That’s why Renée exists?”

“Kinda,” Peachy said, smiling back at her boyfriend.

“But what did that have to do with longing for social interaction?”

Peachy briefly dug through her mind again and explained.

'During that time, I was still going through that damn break up. Stupid thing kept on haunting me. I just wanted someone to love, someone who doesn’t simply treat me as a trophy."

Peachy looked up at Spidey and smiled.

"I’m really glad that I made Renée, if I didn't,we wouldn't have gotten together when we did," Peachy said while going in for a cuddle, which Spidey took.

“I’m glad too, love,” Spidey said, before pecking Peachy on the head. “I think that’s when I came up with Renée having a history with my character Fubuki, which led to us getting assigned to work on their timeline together in DMs.”

Peachy didn’t respond, simply nodding.
“Then you made a bunch of comic pages about the chemistry between those two, I remember being impressed as to how dedicated you were making them.”

Hearing about that, Peachy perked up.

“Oh yeah, those bring me back!” Peachy exclaimed. “I really had fun making those! Though I didn’t really get to finishing them…”

Spidey looked back up at the ceiling again.

“We’re getting in familiar territory. Remember our first meetup that wasn’t just a call?”

Peachy smiled at the thought of their first meeting.

“Yup, VRChat. Though those meetups didn’t always go as planned, huh?”

Spidey chuckled. “Hehe, yeah… damn technical difficulties. But the times when it did work were magical, though. It’s like seeing each other in real life. Well, not ACTUALLY real life but-”

Spidey abruptly stopped talking, tripping over his own words. Peachy giggled.

“Don’t worry Spidey boo, I know what you mean. I enjoyed those times as well.”

Spidey recalls the cherished three year old memory.

“We were on a map resembling a floating wooden apartment-like structure in the middle of an ocean. Looking back at it, it kinda reflects how far we lived from each other.”

Peachy nodded. “An ocean apart.”

“Yup… an ocean apart.”

What's up All you young respected individuals it's me Peachy 😊🍑❤️

This story took a lot of effort to do and knowing that both me and Spidey made it this far is a milestone worth sharing.

Nothing makes me more happy than sharing our experience with you.

Spidey and I met in December and over time I started developing feelings for him......

We thought it would be a good idea to not reveal our relationship due to drama happening everywhere.

But eventually...I didn't wanna hide my relationship that's how " an ocean Apart" came to be.

This chapter your actually reading right now will be recorded three years from now 😊🥰

Hopefully our story will inspire many people to get out of their comfort zone and into something new.

Chapter two will be coming soon!

As always...

Stay Peachy 😊🍑❤️ 👋

an ocean Apart: a tale of two distant lovers Where stories live. Discover now