Chapter two

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Peachy closed her eyes, enjoying the cuddle. It takes a while before she speaks up again, still keeping her eyes closed.

“We did have fun making up more backstory for Renée and Fubuki back then, huh?”

Spidey nodded. Suddenly, a dumb little grin appeared on his face.

“And us being young adults.”

Peachy confusingly looked up at Spidey, not sure what he’s talking about. Then it hit her, and she bursted out laughing.

“Oh yeah! We made a lot of sexual jokes towards them, that was gold!”

“Made me question myself since you didn’t tell me your age yet.”

“That’s okay, I didn’t mind. Besides, you were responsible enough to ask me directly after.”

Spidey frowned.

“I didn’t want to be outed as a possible pedo. That was the reason why I acted so carefully around you in the beginning. You know what social media was like back then. One little slip up and the entire platform was out for blood.”

Peachy pressed herself tightly against Spidey’s body.

“I was already 19 by then, so I would shut them up quickly if they did. You did good starting out cautiously like that. Made me feel comfortable around you. Still do.”

Spidey cuddled Peachy back. “Thank god for that, hehe.”

“yea…but overall..I started to randomly out of nowhere have a crush on you " Peachy said blushing like a red tomato.

Shy, Peachy looks at the bouquet of red roses sitting in one of the vases.

"Looking back at it all…when I finally confessed to you,I felt a little nervous."

Peachy looked up at Spidey shyly with a smile.

"Why were you nervous lovey dovey?"

"I thought you wouldn't like the fact that I had Autism " Peachy frowns a little at the thought of him not liking her disability.

"Well I'm glad I told you that I had autism too, which made  getting together a lot more interesting " Spidey strokes Peachy's face gently.

" Yeah…I guess that did make it easier huh?"

Peachy smiled at Spidey's comforting words.

Soon Spidey's mom comes in with a batch of baked goods.

Both Peachy and Spidey smile and say thank you.

"Working with you felt like putting a large weight off my shoulders "

Peachy said, Picking up a pastry and eating it.

"It did?"

Spidey asked, looking curious at Peachy's sudden response.

" Yea..I had been through a lot during the few months I've worked at Manstepp"

Peachy looked down at her arm, remembering the times she had revealed the fact that she was going through medical issues

"Even though I went through a lot.. I'm glad it was dealt with" Peachy smiled and cuddled up against her boyfriend.

" What really was interesting was how we revealed our relationship to our coworkers and friends"

" Oh yeahhhh I remember that! Everyone was making a joke about how we managed to get together"

Both Peachy and Spidey started laughing at the fact that they're coworkers were making sexual jokes about their relationship.

"Y'know what really got me through all those tough times? " Spidey asked looking down at Peachy with a smile.

"What would that be my Spidey boo?"

"Your encouraging words and loving embrace," Spidey said, kissing his girlfriend on the forehead. “Every call, every VRChat session we had made me forget about all the misery on this floating rock we call Earth. And at times when shit really hit the fan, I was able to vent it to you, and you were there to comfort me.”

Peachy looks up at her boyfriend and kisses him on the cheek.

"Being able to just sit down and do all kinds of things with you was fun… especially VRChat."

Spidey looked down at his lap, largely occupied by Peachy.

"Yeah, VR chat…"

Before me and Spidey got together,he and I were busy Brainstorming new scene ideas for Fubuki and Ren'ee.

And that's when I began to develop feelings for him

We then started chilling some more in VR chat and slowly but surely...I finally confessed to him

Before I had feelings for him I was going through a lot after my surgery and I had just got out of a break up.

At first I thought he'd be one of those guys that just said"I don't have Autism, I'm just ghetto " 🤦

But soon I learned that he had Autism too.

It warmed my heart to finally meet people that can relate to my disability and enjoy the stuff I like.

Knowing that Autistic people didn't just exist in America was the greatest thing in the world.

Autism should be recognized and not hidden.

Knowing that I'll have him by my side is by far a blessing...

an ocean Apart: a tale of two distant lovers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora