Ruby's First Crush

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Chapter 3

No One POV

After Ruby had helped him get a new social media account which was an instagram for the time being Silver had released a groan as he sat on one of the couches in the room that the others mainly stay, as Aqua and Kana had sweat dropped.

Silver:*sighs*god that took longer then expected.he said to himself 

Aqua:*sweat drops*sorry about my sister she tends to get like that.he apologized 

Silver:not it's fine...for the most part it was kinda annoying, but did you get my follow request Ruby had told me to follow you guys first to get started.he asked them

Kana:*nods*yeah we did we also followed you back as well.she replied to him

Silver only has 4 followers which are Aqua,Kana,Memcho and Ruby of course. They were the ones who followed him first to get started, and all of them has a lot of followers but they might shout him out.

Aqua:speaking of which where is my sister anyways.he asked him

Silver:*shrugs*I don't know but she told me she had to do something first.he said 

Miyako:well that's over with you can get started on signing these papers.she said 

She then placed a few papers down onto the table as Silver had looked at the papers and well it was permission slips and what not and a contact number in case something bad happens(which they do not wish will). 

The more Silver had read through it to him it was simple enough as he used the stamp to sign where they require you to sign as the 3 papers has been signed. 

Miyako had picked up the papers and checked them over until she smiled a bit.

Miyako:*smiles*with that welcome to Strawberry Productions Silver Evanlion.she said to him

Ruby:*loudly*ALRIGHT LETS THROW A PARTY SHALL WE.she yelled 

Silver:*jumps In surprise*gah when the hell did you get here.he asked In surprise

Ruby:oh I got here when you finished signing the forms, but it's good to have another guy here and not my brother...he tends to be boring.she said 

Aqua:I'm right here you know.he jumped in

All Silver could do was groan since he's already starting to regret joining the entertainment industry but now that he's joined maybe he could ask his friend for help since shes also in this said business and also quite famous as well.

Kana:anyways what field do you want to peruse in Evanlion.she asked him

Silver:*confused*field what do you mean by that.he asked her

Miyako:she means like modeling,singer,actor and other such things. You do have the looks to be all of them, but in my opinion you could be a fashion model.she said back to him

Ruby:yeah sorta like Yukipon.she said 

Silver:*sweat drops*who the hell is this Yukipon person.he asked confused 

Aqua:she means Yuki Sumi, she's a fashion model and quite known as well. But she's in a different agency, I was recently in a dating reality show with her.he told him

Ruby:*crosses her arms*yeah and now your dating Kurokawa like why not Yukipon.she said 

Aqua had groaned while poor Kana had looked down with a sour look on her face quire saddened to say the least, it's clear that she had an interest in Aquamarine but he didn't really returned those feelings what so ever.

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