Dating Reality Show Pt.3

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Chapter 12

Silver POV

It's been about 2 months since the official shoot of the Dating Reality show and well we've gotten quite famous to say the least. Not to mention I've gotten one hell of a lot of followers as well on my instagram account.

My measly account went from 100 followers to a whopping 4,000 followers in the span of these 2 months, and well to me that's is quite the shocking thing to be honest.

Also the pairs as well for this show is also starting to kick up, Kengo Morimoto the same person who was in the previous season with Aqua is currently talking with Satsuki who is also a freelancer and a former idol.

But for the time being the most famous pairing is Haleakala and Frill, in all honesty I should've expected that pairing but the both of them are really alike. The 2 of them don't rascally have any experience in dating and also they are famous.

Minami:*sighs*man shooting these episodes so early into the morning is a real pain, cuts into my sleep schedule.I heard her say

Me:you know I can't help but feel sorry for you Minami, I mean if I wasn't dating Ruby then maybe I'd start a relationship with you.I said back to her

Minami:oh no it's fine really I just decided to do this and see if it goes off from there, but I do wonder why Ruby hasn't been coming to school lately. It's been a little over 2 months and she still hasn't made an appearance.she voiced out 

Speaking of which Ruby is also doing well with her pregnancy, her morning sickness has stopped for the most part and she spends most of her days sitting eating ice cream and other such things.

Not to mention she also has those....mood swings of hers as well, I do sorta feel bad for her brother and Miyako since they do have to watch over her. The same could be said for Kana and Memcho.

Me:*thinks*I can't keep this for a secret all the time Minami and even Frill will start to get...curious about her situation. There will come a time that I need to tell them the truth, maybe I'll talk to Ruby after this.I thought to myself

Minami:hey you're dating Ruby right? Do you know if anything is wrong with her? I'm really starting to get worried.she asked me 

Me:*sighs*yes I do know what's wrong with her and it isn't anything TOO serious, and I'll ask Ruby to see if it's ok for you to see her along with possibly Frill.I replied to her

Minami:oh..I see, well no rush or anything it just tends to get boring in class that's all. But at least I have Frill to keep me company.she said back to me 

I was gonna say something until the producer had called me and Minami over to the scene, as it seems that they finished shooting Kengo and Satsuki and now it's our turn. But it also gotten me quite curious at the matter.

Just how many rumors are there about us? I mean from what I could tell that this show is quite popular now(most likely because of Frill and Haleakala) but still. I can't help but wonder if the fans who watches this show is also shipping me and Minami together.

Me:*sweats*gee being in an industry like this sure is tough and kind of a pain in the ass that's for sure, definitely a lot of work.I thought to myself 

Timeskip brought to you by the Dating Reality cast releasing a sigh of relief that the shooting is done...but Frill who has a confused look.

Change POV No One

After the episode shooting the entire cast of the Dating show had all went to a ramen pub to eat some dinner as all of them will be putting in some of their money to contribute, as both Haleakala and Silver are sitting next to each other and Frill is sitting across of them.

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