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"For when he returned, the jewellery was not where he left it. 'Where are my chains of gold?' he demanded of the townspeople. And a Jewish man replied, 'Your wealth is enough to feed a hundred families. Is one chain really worth so much that you cannot spare it?' Angered, Zacchaeus stormed off. He had been betrayed."

- Trials 3:21-26, The Bible of the New World

I enter the dining hall halfway into our break, the somber conversations enough to keep people from noticing my late arrival. My thoughts are still whirling from my discovery at the east wall and my body quakes ever so slightly as I approach my friends seated at their own table near the gaping hall entrance.

Lexa sees me first, grabbing Kal's attention so that they both stare as I make my approach. I stride up to them, a sudden slither of anger burning away in my chest.

"Where is it?" I demand, speaking solely to Kal.

He frowns. "Where is what?"

Lexa speaks up. "Avalon, where have you been? You know missing meals is against the rules. You could be punished for this."

I ignore her, my eyes still on Kal's. "You're the only person I told and now it's gone. I'm not stupid - I know you have it."

"Have what?"

"Avalon, are you even listening to me?" Lexa asks. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep the teachers attention away from your absence?"

"You know what," I say to Kal. "Last night in my room, you said you'd wait until today to go with me and find it. But you just couldn't wait, could you?"

"What are you talking about? The last time I saw you was in the dining room during dinner and then you ran off without explanation."

My face pales. "But we spoke - in my room. And you were laughing and I told you about the... about the..."

"Avalon," Kal says softly. "That never happened."

Just like that, the world ceases to exist. The sounds and sights of reality drop out, leaving me alone and floating in my own personal void of terror. How could last night not have happened? Surely I didn't imagine all that? Is it even possible to have such vivid dreams? Such rich hallucinations? My mind desperately searches to find a logical explanation for everything, but I come up panicked and empty handed. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.

"Avalon!" Lexa says, her voice finally reaching my ears through the dense fog orbiting my mind.

"What?!" I say, feeling exasperated as I finally turn towards her.

"Where have you been? You could have gotten punished for this!"

"But I didn't!" I snap. "I'm fine! Now will you please stop bugging me?"

There's a hush as Lexa shuts her mouth, looking taken aback.

"Avalon, are you feeling okay?" Kal asks, his eyebrows knitting in concern. "You're acting really strange."

"I'm fine! Okay? I-" I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting the air out with a sigh. "I'm okay," I say, calmer now. "I've just had a rough morning." Then I look at Lexa. "Sorry."

"It's fine," she says. "But seriously, where did you go?"

I let out a breath and shake my head. "I don't know. It was stupid, really. I don't know what I was thinking."

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