Eden [synopsis and a/n]

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Having grown up believing that the Devil is God, Avalon Kandor and the rest of the youth living in the city of Eden spend their teenage years in pursuit of the one thing that matters: the title of a Pure. Awarded upon the completion of their education, it is both expected and an extraordinary honour. But becoming one of the Pure isn't as easy as you would think.

Twice a year, for every year they attend school, the youth of Eden have to sit the Test: an evaluation of their knowledge and belief in God. In the younger years, getting a few questions on the Test wrong is nothing of concern, but upon reaching high school things start getting dangerous. Make a single misstep and you could face Expulsion and life as an impure. Get a wrong answer on the Test and you'll be Removed – permanently.

Avalon knows the risks that accompany disobedience – has experienced them first hand – but when she's told that her world is based on lies, she'll do anything to find out the truth. Even if the truth turns out to be worse than not knowing anything at all. 

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so this is just the synopsis of a story that's been sitting in my 'my works' for a long while and i thought i'd finally post it :) i probably wont update this regularly until i finish cold fire, but i just wanted to see what everyones thoughts were on it. 

so yeah, let me know 


I've created a playlist for this story, which you can listen to by clicking the external link (the link is in the summary as well). Also, I'll be posting songs at the top of some chapters and I encourage you to give them a listen. They definitely add to the mood of the story :)

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