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I finally started high school , well obviously with my bestfriend Brian by my side. We enjoy every minute together, over the summer our dads help us build our tree house , which is our secret place, the one place where we can go and leave the world behind. Every Tuesday morning   he would come over for breakfast and on Friday nights he would stay for dinner. On school days My mom would even fix us some snacks because we would exchange it during our breaks. It is the last few months of high school and my class is getting ready for exams. Tuesday after Brian and I had dinner we sneaked out the house and went to the tree house, Did I mention you could feel the cold breeze at night , sometimes Brian and I would throw things into Mr. Briggs yard and he would get really angry, We would watch the birds, eat popcorn and listen to music , we even made a sound track. We had  so much fun that night. After looking for trouble with Mr. Briggs he dropped me home and from the street I could hear things breaking and I could hear shouting and screaming so I ran in from the side door, I saw my baby brother crying and my sister screaming and I did not know what to do.  I shouted at the top of my lungs "MOM,DAD not here! , not now! , not in front of them!" Everyone just stood there in silent , so I took Brayden and Sofie and Joshua and I went upstairs. After that eventful night, while I was in my bed wondering what the fight was about, Did I do something wrong? Was I out too late? Did I miss something in my list of chores? I kept asking my self? I stayed up all night watching my ceiling all night.

It's morning and I woke up feeling cherry, trying to forget about last night ,so I  went down stairs but it was quiet, my siblings watching TV and my mom is nowhere to to seen, so I prepared them for school, and went back up stairs to get my bag and we left. My teacher was really hard on us and because of exams we spent extra time at school. Brian and I have not hang out in 2 days and that is not like him at all. We decided to join a music and science club as extra curricular activities , we also played sports, I played swimming and basketball and he played basketball and tennis. So we ended up doing different things to improve our grades so we barely had time to to go to the treehouse. But deep down I felt like he was avoiding me but I told myself a little white lie to make it less painful. Mr. Joseph told us we are having a pop quiz and I did not study I was to busy taking care of my siblings. After a long day of school, I went home , luckily Joshua picked up the younger ones because  I was exhausted. So I went upstairs and when I was about to enter my broom I could hear weeping in my parents room, walking towards the door I heard my mom blowing her nose "ARE YOU OK MOM?" I questioned, "Yes Darling" she replied. But I did not believe her. Its 9pm and dad is not home yet which is also unusual, when Sofie asked mom , she said that he caught a late case . But I did not give it much thought.

I went to bed that night and and I woke up to the sound of a moving van , I ran down stairs and I and saw my dad living with his things I questioned him... "Where Are You Going Dad ?" "What Are you doing?" He said to me, "I love you guys so much and everything I do is for you and I promise that I will come back for you all of you, BUT Moriah its time for you to be strong and brave for your siblings because they are going to need you now more than ever." "I love you dad!" I said with my tears in my eyes. He hugged me and kissed me goodnight and for the first time in a long time I felt loved.

Its Saturday and I did not have nothing planned usually Brian and I would go fishing and trash his living room while we made pizza. But I was alone and I had none to talk to and hang out with so I stayed in my room for half the morning. Brayden begins to cry and Sofie throws a tantrum because she wants tuna fish and macaroni for lunch. So I bathed and got dressed and took Brayden and went to Walmart and did some shopping enough for 2weeks. Walking down the street I could feel people looking at me and my brother, "what is going through their head?" "what are they saying?"  I thought to myself ,so I just put on my headphones and went home.

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