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Just no
I can't
School is just a place filled with failure and fake ass ppl. And like they never fucking teach useful shit
They don't teach how to
Do taxes
Manage money
Get a job
How to bullshit ur way through life
But hey at least I can graph a polynomial right?
Or the fact its incredibly hypocritical
They always have those poster things w phrases like "be bold" " be you" " be unique" "stand up" yet when I do try I get in fucking trouble. Like what if I'm just bad at school. What if I think this lesson is useless. What if I think we have too much work? Like all those shit they tell u, they're basically saying "We're gonna tell u this bc its inspirational but don't u dare do it!" Or how they always tell u school is good yet so many ppl get bullied and made fun of there. And the teachers calling on u when u don't know the fucking answer. Like IF I KNEW MY HAND WOULD BE UP
Its like they try to embarrass u
Or how they ALWAYS want u to have good grades. Or how they tell u "u can do better" "ur more capable" like bitch no we all know 80% of u didn't do good in school. If u did y is u a teacher and not like a brain surgeon.OH AND DRESS CODES
my school has the weirdest dress code. No lace at all. And no shoulders... Tf
Like yeah imma show some shoulders and the boys will be am over me like "damn look at them shoulders so sexy" or like I'm walking around school being like
or if I have holes in my jeans
Like wow I got ripped jeans hope no one got pregnant.
Or the deadlines. No explanation needed
Or how when u don't do ur homework they get all mad and I'm like y didn't u grade the test we took a week ago (ey, about a week ago) and they be like
I have other students test to grade. Like bitch I got other classes to do fucking homework for. And when they like say "I graded first period test but not..." Like if u graded our test show it to us u don't have to show all classes at once. Or like how we have WAY too many notes and shit that's not even on the test. And like I forget everything after I take the fucking test. Or how all test for all classes happen to be the same day or week. Or how they all assign huge projects at the same time....
BASICALLY I GOT NO TOLERANCE FOR SCHOOL. There's so much more to say but those are separate topics for an other day
Basically school is a synonym for hellholer.
Do band mamebers not drugs
Love ya

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