31 2 3

So....if u don't follow luke or live under a rock or don't have a twitter, let me explain. Today Robert rt a girl who tweeted "2" yup, just the fucking number 2. Where do I even start.
First of all, here's the thing. That girl only follows luke. Yup. Not cal not ash not mikey just Luke. *yells in frustration*(.......permanent vacation). Plus she spams harry styles and she doesn't fucking follow him either. Now I'm not a one direction fan, like not obsessed. I Stan 5sos,I'm c.a.l.m af, but I do happen to know 1D names and I do think that they're music is good. Now, I'm not mad at her bc she tweeted a random ass number and got noticed. Am I bitter, yes. There r fans like us legit reaching our fucking limit tweeting them and she was like "2" and bam.
No what I'm fucking pissed at is the fact she acted so fake. She was all like "omf u noticed me I've been trying I'm crying" like bitch no u spam Harry all day. And she legit said that she wasn't a 5sos fan anymore. Apparently she used to be a fan but isn't anymore ( tf how) and then she tweeted that she always loved and still does and always will love 5sos....mmmmmm ok
And then she was like "stop w the hate I'm ignoring it" and then she responds anyway. And when I told her to stop acting like a fan when she obvi wasn't I got fucking spammed w hate. And I got a DM telling me I have no life and I should kill myself. Ok let's get some things straight
A) I never actually gave her hate I asked her to stop acting like a fan
B) I never told her to kill herself that's just wrong and no one deserved that
C) You r the one giving me hate when I obvi didn't give her any.
Sigh so basically luke un rt her. And before that she was like "I didn't ask him to its fine if he don't" and when he did in rt she got all butthurt. And she went back to spamming Harry. Oh and she followed all 4 only AFTER ppl called her out. She also said following all 4 doesn't make u a tru fan. Oh so only following the front man and tweeting the number 2 does? Smh I was so done. I lost my temper after the 4th person gave me hate. So basically today was filled w twitter fights. My fam had my back though. And she tweets that she loves luke before sleeping
Honestly I was so done w her and am done now.
Oh and 2 was my lucky number guess that's ruined.
Bye, stay beautiful.
Do band members not drugs
Make sure to always slay.

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