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In the vast expanse of prison, (Y/N) found themselves perched upon the branches of an iconic international prison tree. Their crime? attempt to aid their incarcerated friends in escaping. Through the use of explosives and firearms, they had hoped to free those trapped within the prison's walls. However, their plans had unraveled swiftly when their sole trusted ally, known as "The Crimson Paw," betrayed them, leading to their capture.

As (Y/N) sat atop the prison tree, reading a book they got with headphones with the cd player. 

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as (Y/N) patiently observed the patterns and routines within the prison. They meticulously gathered information, formed alliances with fellow inmates, and learned the weaknesses of their captors. With each passing day, their resolve grew stronger, fueled by the burning desire for freedom and justice. The air was heavy with a sense of defeat, yet determination burned fiercely in their eyes. They refused to let this setback define their future. 

Thoughts of their imprisoned friends consumed (Y/N)'s mind, their hearts heavy with guilt and remorse. Their failed escape attempt had left their companions to suffer the consequences, and the betrayal by their once-trusted ally, the Crimson Paw, cut deep, shattering the trust that had been built over years of planning and camaraderie. It was a wound that continued to fester, leaving them with a mix of anger and sadness. However, they knew they couldn't dwell on the past. They had to focus on the present and find a way to move forward.

(Y/N) gazed down at the prison grounds, their attention was drawn to a prison guard named Matt. They called out to him, breaking the silence that had surrounded them. "Hey! I'm ready to go inside," they said, their voice carrying a hint of mischief. Matt glanced up from his post, his eyes filled with skepticism as he studied (Y/N). Over time, he had become accustomed to their quiet presence atop the prison tree, observing the world below with an intensity that intrigued him. "You're ready to go inside?" he echoed, raising an eyebrow. "What's brought about this sudden change of heart?"

(Y/N) smiled, a flicker of determination shining in their eyes. "I've learned my lesson, Matt," they replied calmly, their voice laced with a newfound conviction. "I've had time to reflect on my actions and the consequences they brought upon me and others. It's time for me to make amends and work towards a better future." Their words held a teasing tone, a glimpse of the mischievous spirit that still resided within them. 

The guard regarded them for a moment, his gaze searching their face for any signs of deceit. After a tense pause, he let out a sigh and nodded. "Alright then, (Y/N). I'll inform the warden of your decision. But don't think for a second that this changes anything. You're still a prisoner, and you'll be treated as such," Matt cautioned, his tone a mix of skepticism and concern.

"I understand, Matt," (Y/N) replied, their voice steady. They knew that gaining the guard's trust would be an uphill battle, but it was a battle worth fighting. After a moment, he nodded again, his expression softening ever so slightly. "I've seen my fair share of prisoners, (Y/N), and not many truly mean what they say. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Just remember, actions speak louder than words."

 As they made their way back to the prison alongside Matt, they couldn't help but notice the glances from fellow inmates. The surprise of seeing (Y/N) willingly return to the confines of the prison was evident in their eyes.

Among the familiar faces, (Y/N) spotted Zara, a fellow inmate who knows 10 languages and a trusted ally. They walked up to her, a smile spreading across their face. "Zara!" they exclaimed, catching her attention. Zara looked up from her conversation with another prisoner, surprise evident in her eyes. "Hey, (Y/N)!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and excitement. "I never thought I'd see you again."

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