Chapter 1

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(Eclipses POV, he looks like the picture up top)

Thats what a-lot of people called me. for a reasonable reason, a-lot of the stuff i have done in my life i'm not proud of. After being brought back though i want to change, i can't deal with that sad lonely life style anymore and in general i feel bad for everything i have done to hurt them.. so im going to try make up for my actions! It might take minutes it might take months but im willing to make that sacrifice.

I walk up to the big brown heavy doors that look like they have just been taken out of Harry Potter, the nerves really started to kick in because what if they kill me again? no.. they wouldn't.. would they?

After a second of contemplating it push on the door with my four hands (My Eclipse AU has 2 sets of arms) and it starts to slowly open, if i had a heart it would be racing right now.

I step inside the daycare taking extra care to quietly close the door, after that i turn around to be met with emptiness. A bit anticlimactic if you ask me but whatever. I walk deeper into the daycare glancing around at the colourful play-structures, the memories came flushing in of the last time i was here that conversation with Earth and Sun..

I was too lost in my own thoughts to realise the animatronic approaching me and tackling me to the ground, straddling me keeping two of my arms stuck to my side and pinning my two other wrists down to the floor

I snap out of my daze and i look at the person who just pinned me down and its none other than that other Eclipse 'Good Eclipse' if you will

Good Eclipse: "What are you doing here?!" he snaps at me looking down at me with hatred and anger in his eyes

i go to speak but he interrupts me

Good Eclipse: "Who am i kidding your here to ruin everything!" he grumbles pinning me down harder to the floor despite me not making any efforts to free myself

yet again i go to speak hoping to get a chance to explain myself but he interrupts me again

Good Eclipse: "I need to get Moon!! but you can't escape!" he says looking around the daycare his eyes locking onto the security desk next to the door of the daycare

I look up at him very dumbfounded not knowing what to do or say so i decide to see where this takes me.

I watch as he stands up and starts to drag me over to the security desk not being gentle with it at all

Once we got to the security desk he shoves me onto the crappy office chair and springs into action, i watch as Good Eclipse grabs some skipping ropes that the kids used earlier into the day.

He ties two of my arms to the chairs arms and he ties my lower pair of arms behind the chair, after he wraps skipping rope around my body and the back of the chair

He steps back making sure everything is sturdy

Good Eclipse: "Aha! perfect!" he says smugly looking down at me with a confident gaze.

I watch as he runs off to go find Sun and Moon, i start struggling in the ropes trying to get myself free but to no avail it doesn't work so i decide to gjve up, although im embarrassed i just have to deal with it.

After what seemed like an hour Good Eclipse returns with Sun and Moon, they both looked as stunned as each-other, Sun even stumbling back a bit

Moon: "Computer arm the guns" Moon commands and like usual the computer complies with that stupid British accent

Eclipse: "Is that really necessary?" i ask trying to avoid acting sarcastic

Moon: "How are you alive? what are you doing here?" Moon asks ignoring my question but instead showering me with his questions

Eclipse: "I got rebuilt by Ruin, I ran away from Ruin, I saw my father- in mean K.C and we talked and i decided to come apologise" i reply plainly being oddly obedient to answer

Sun: "Whats the catch?!" Sun says loudly in that high pitched voice of his

Eclipse: "There is none.." i respond a bit annoyed at Sun

They all share looks with each other before turning away from me as they start to talk quiet enough so i can't hear what they are saying, occasionally glancing back over at me. After a few minutes they all come to a conclusion and they tuen back to me

Moon: "Look Eclipse we cant trust you.. what you did to us was unforgivable-" Moon starts off but i interrupt me

Eclipse: "Are you two any better?" i say harshly but then i realise so i decide to lower my tone

Eclipse: "Sorry im not good with con-conversations" i say embarrassed that i stuttered

Moon sighed staying silent for a second

Moon: "Computer un-arm the guns" Moon instructed and the computer does as it is told

Sun looks at Moon completely shocked

Sun: "Wha- Why?!" Sun practically screams looking at Moon completely shocked

Moon: "Eclipse- uh the nice one i mean, go to Lunar and make sure he doesn't come in the daycare" Moon said looking over at Good Eclipse who simply nodded and started walking over to Lunars room

Moon turned back to my and signalled Sun to leave who went to protest but Moon gave him that look of his so Sun did eventually walk off

Moon: "Look Eclipse.." Moon started off pulling over at chair and slumping down on it looking at my restrained form

(962 words!!)

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