entry 1!!

12 1 0

date: thursday, july 13th, 2023

FUCK. so i actually started this earlier, but STUPID WATTPAD DECIDED TO JUST NOT SAVE AND POST MY SHIT LIKE IT SAID IT DID!! whatever. so here we are, take two of lise's fucked up diary.

first i wanna start off with saying im trans. i identify as nonbinary and present neutral-masc. my family is accepting for the most part, none of the really use my name/pronouns which sucks, and they say theyre trying but sometimes it feels like they arent. my mom is better about it than my dad tho, she bought me my first and only binder. i love it, but shit i need more. my current binder is black and one size too big, so its kinda just like a sports bra. what i need is a tan binder that fits as its supposed to (HIDE MY BOOBS I DONT WANT THEM) and some trans tape. does anyone know where to get that stuff?? i sure as hell dont. also, this is a safe space, im fruity and trans and all and i accept everyone for who they are, so feel free to be urself in the comments and shit (whoever is reading this💀).

i also moved out of my hometown and across the country three weeks ago. we drove from texas to washington state pover the span of a week, staying in and out of hotels the whole time. when we got to our new town, our house wasnt technically ours yet, so we had to stay in a hotel for another week. finally, we got the keys on friday the 7th, six days ago. and yeah its nice having a house now, but you know what would be nicer? some fucking furniture. the moving van has YET to show up. it was supposed to arrive on the 9th, two days after we moved in, but guess whos still sleeping on a blow up mattress?? actually dont guess, it sucks. as of right now, our things are in idaho and the moving company has no idea when our stuff will come. they said maybe saturday or sunday (the 15th or 16th)? but we have no definite answer. i sound like a dick but really im just annoyed. man all i want is my guitars and stuffies:((

this first entry is short, so ill try and post more later tonight or tomorrow.


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