Chapter 13

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When Wooyoung woke up he didn't know where he was. He was laying on a cold metal floor, the hum of a spaceships engine vibrating through the floor. He slowly sat up, his vision clearing up as metal bars came into. A cell, he was inside a cell. Slowly, his memory was coming back to him. He stood up, his legs a bit unstable due to the effect of the drugs. He looked around the cell noticing he was the only inside. "Yeo!!!! Yeo are you there!!!" He shouted, running over to the bars grabbing them. He screamed in pain, as the bars shot electricity through his body. He held his hands as he backed away from the bars. "Wooyoung? Is that you?" Yeo's voice sounded from the cell next to him. Relief washed through his body as he pressed his ear to the wall. "Yeo are you okay?" He asked, remembering the android collapsing after being shot with an electric pulse. "I'm okay, just my memory is a little fuzzy" he leaned against the wall. Yeo wished he could see Wooyoung. After he came to inside the cell, he realized that his emotions were switched back on. He was worried for Wooyoung not knowing what the military wanted with him.

"Are you okay? I heard you scream" Yeo asked. Wooyoung sat down on the floor, "yeah I'm okay...stay away from the bars they're charged with electricity, if you touch them you'll short circuit again". "What do they want?" Yeo had a feeling it had something to do with Wooyoung's past, remembering the photo of the male in the military uniform. Before Wooyoung could respond, the door to the holding area opened, several footsteps could be heard as someone walked to his cell. Wooyoung glared daggers at the person who stood outside his cell. "Oh good you're finally awake, Captain Lee wants to see you now" Yeonjun spoke. Two other men stood behind him guns in their hand their expression serious. Wooyoung recognized them as Hyunjin and Felix, people who he used to have found memories of but now he hated them with a burning passion.

Yeonjun put the password in on the panel by Wooyoung's cell, the bars lifting up allowing the three men to enter his cell. "Get up, don't try anything" Hyunjin kicked at Wooyoung leg. Wooyoung stood up, stumbling forward as Felix pushed him out the cell. Yeonjun walked in front while Hyunjin and Felix walked behind him. He tried to get a glimpse of Yeo as they made their way out the holding area, but Yeo's cell was not in the direction they were going. Yeo stood up, going over to the front of his cell. He was careful not to touch the bars, as he tried to get a glimpse of Wooyoung but all he saw was the back of the two men that led him out the room.


Yunho woke up to the feeling of someone shaking him and shouting something he couldn't make out. "Yunho! Yunho wake up!" Seonghwa shouted as he frantically shook him. When he saw his husband eyes open, he sighed with relief. "Hwa" Yunho sat up slowly looking around. He still outside, Seonghwa and Mingi were both kneeling by him. "What happened? I was getting worried because you, Wooyoung and Yeo hadn't come back yet, so Mingi and I went out to look for you guys and I found you lying out here unconscious" Seonghwa was clearly panicked. "Where's Wooyoung and Yeo?" Mingi asked. Yunho held his head, the fuzziness in his head slowly fading away as the memories came back.

"They were taken" Yunho answered. "Taken by who?" Seonghwa spoke this time. Yunho slowly stood up. Seonghwa and Mingi following him. Seonghwa held onto Yunho's arm helping his husband stay steady. "Some people from the military came looking for Wooyoung...they took them, we gotta get them back" Yunho stepped forward stumbling slightly. He would've fallen to the ground if Seonghwa wasn't holding him. Mingi's jaw tensed, "we need get back to the ship and go after them, Seonghwa carry Yunho". Seonghwa stood in front of Yunho crouching down, "get on". The taller male didn't argue as he climbed onto the felines back. Seonghwa stood up straight hooking his his hands under Yunho's legs as he piggy backed him, as he and Mingi made their way back to the ship.

Everyone ran over to Seonghwa and Mingi when they stepped into the common area. Hongjoong's eyes widened when he saw Yunho on Soenghwa's back, "what happened" he asked as Seonghwa brought Yunho over to the couch setting him down. "Where's Yeo and Wooyoung?" Sans asked worry evident in his voice. "They were taken, some people from the military showed up. Wooyoung and I were injected with some kind of tranquilizer and Yeo was shot with a electric pulse temporarily short circuiting him. The last thing I remembered before blacking out was them teleporting to their spaceship with Wooyoung and Yeo" Yunho explained to the rest of his friends. "What do they want with Wooyung?" Jongho asked. Everyone knew Wooyoung used to be apart of the intergalactic military but nobody knew the full extent of why he left. "He stole from them...something that got his former lover Yeosang killed. I don't know what he stole...but I guess they want it back" Yunho was the only who knew why Wooyoung left the military. The human opening up to him a few months after he joined. It was after he started working on building Yeo.

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