Chapter 17

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Wooyoung's eyes slowly opened, he blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the fluorescent white lights. His body felt like lead, as he slowly turned his head around to see where he was. He was in the infirmary of the Star 1117. Slowly he sat up, wincing in pain as he did. Nearly his whole body was covered in bandages. "Oh good you're awake" Yunho's familiar voice brought Wooyoung's attention to him. The aurorian had a smile on his face, he was relieved to see Wooyoung was finally awake. Wooyoung swallowed his throat dry before he spoke, "w-what happened " he asked Yunho. The doctor checking his bandages to make sure they were secure.

"You passed out from your injuries, when San teleported you here you were already unconscious. You were in really bad shape" he explained. "How long was I out?" He asked. Yunho's expression turned serious, "it's been four months". Wooyoung's coughed his eyes widening, "f-four months!!!" he couldn't believe he'd been in a coma for four months. Yunho covered his mouth as he tried to repress is laughter, "I'm were only unconscious for three days" his laughter slipped out. Wooyoung pouted, "so mean" but he couldn't help but laugh too. It was good to joke around after everything that's happened.

As if remembering the recent events that transpired, he slipped out of the infirmary bed. Yunho's eyes widened as he reached out to stabilize Wooyoung, "you're still healing you need to go slow" he held onto Wooyoung until the human was stable. "Where's Yeo?" He asked his voice showing his worry. "He's over here" Yunho slowly lead Wooyoung over to the bed where Yeo laid. Wooyoung's eyes softened as he reached out to brush some hair from the androids face. He still looked beautiful even if he was lifeless. "I'm sorry I couldn't get your heart back Yeo..." he whispered softly. He knew he could just buy another energy core for the android, but the heart of a star was more than just an energy source to Wooyoung. It was Yeo's heart the thing that made him live. "I have a gift for you" Yunho held something behind his back, while Wooyoung was looking at Yeo the doctor went to grab something.

Wooyoung looked at Yunho his eyebrow furrowed in confusion, "what is it?" He asked not liking the smile that spread across Yunho's face, it was a bit suspicious. Yunho brought his hands from his behind his back, holding out the item he was holding. Wooyoung looked at his hands, his heart stopping at what he saw. In Yunho's hand was a familiar glass orb that glowed brightly, the heart of a star was in his hands. Wooyoung looked at Yunho shock written on his features, "h-how, I saw it fly out into space before I blacked out" he gently took the orb from Yunho's hands. He stared at it not believing it was really here. "You'll have to ask San about that, he's been waiting for you to wake up so he could tell you" Yunho watched as Wooyoung turned back to Yeo. He placed the orb on the bed, before he lifted up the male's shirt. He pressed a certain spot on Yeo's side, his chest opening revealing the empty cavity. Wooyoung picked up the heart of a star, placing it back inside of Yeo, placing it where his heart would be. After making sure everything was wired properly he closed Yeo's chest.

Yeo's eyes slowly opening the android blinking a few times. He remained still as his brain began processing everything, his memories flooding back. He turned his attention to the two men staring down at him, "Woo?" He asked the feeling if relief washed over him when he saw the human standing in front of him. "Yeo" Wooyoung breathed out, watching as the android sat up. Yeo's brown eyes scanned Wooyoung's body, "you're hurt" he reached out gently his finger gently brushing against the bandaging on his abdomen. "I'm okay" Wooyoung's voice was softy as he watched Yeo. Yunho looked at Yeo, "glad to see you're awake. I'm going to go let everyone else know you're both awake" he gave Yeo a quick pat on the shoulder before leaving the infirmary.

Now that it was just them, Yeo and Wooyoung stared at each other in silence. Wooyoung was the first one to break it, "I'm sorry" he looked down as the words left his mouth. "It's okay Wooyoung, I forgive you" Yeo slipped his hand into Wooyoung's interlocking their fingers. Wooyoung shook his head looking at him. "No its not okay. I'm so sorry for lying to you about the reason I made you, but you're wrong I don't love you because you look and sound like Yeosang. I love you because it's you" he held Yeo's gaze. "I admit in the beginning I did only see Yeosang when I looked at you. When Yeosang died, something inside me broke and I didn't think it would ever be fixed. I was in a really dark place and I thought that if I made you, I wouldn't have to acknowledge the fact that he was gone." Wooyoung's eyes began to tear up as he spoke. Yeo gently squeezed Wooyoung's hand in comfort. After swallowing he continued, "but the more time I spent with you I realized that you were nothing like him. That's when I began seeing you Yeo. That's when I began falling for you, that's when I began falling for your mannerisms, you're smile, your laugh, I began falling for your sarcasm and how you'd always scold me when I was being reckless. That's when you began healing me. The more time I spent with you, the more I realized that I could live with Yeosang because I had you by my side Yeo. When I was holding your lifeless body, I was so scared. I wasn't scared because I wasn't loosing Yeosang again, I was loosing you and it terrified me. Yeosang will always be apart of me in some way but you have my heart. I love you so fucking much Yeo" tears were now falling down Wooyoung's face.

Yeo reached up and wiped away Wooyoung's tears. "I love you too Wooyoung" he leaned forward crashing their lips together. Wooyoung melted into the kiss. When they pulled away the door to the infirmary opened. Both Wooyoung and Yeo turned their attention to the group of five men that entered. "WOOYOUNG! YEO!" San shouted as he ran over to them crashing into Wooyoung. "I'm so glad you're awake" he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung in a crushing hug. Wooyoung hugged him back chuckling, "I missed you too sannie" he winced a bit. "Baby he's still healing, you're crushing him to death" Mingi chuckled as he gently pulled San off him. "Sorry " the waterling gently pat Wooyoung's shoulder. Seonghwa came over next giving Wooyoung a much softer hug before going to Yeo giving him a hug as well. Wooyoung turned to Jongho, "am I not going to get a hug from our youngest?" He pouted.

Jongho chuckled going over to Wooyoung and hugging him, "I'm glad you're both okay" he mumbled. Yeo already had his arms outstretched, wrapping them around Jongho when the waterling walked into his arms. When Wooyoung saw Hongjoong he looked relieved. The last time he saw his captain he was bleeding out from a blaster wound in his stomach. Wooyoung pulled Hongjoong into a hug, "I'm glad to see you're okay captain". Hongjoong hugged Wooyoung back, "don't ever leave us again" he whispered. Once the two pulled away Wooyoung turned his attention to San, "Yunho told me to ask you about the heart of a star. How did you get? I saw it fly out into space".

"It's actually kinda funny. I forgot I programmed the ship to lock onto Yeo's energy core in order to teleport him since he's an android. So, when I was getting ready to teleport you off Soo-hyuk's ship. The ship was showing me a reading that Yeo was still on ship with you even though his body was with us. So I locked onto it as well, but I knew that if he was still holding it, he would also have been teleported to our ship and I'm sure nobody wanted your psychotic ex captain on the ship. Which was why I told you to shoot the escape pod panel, in hopes that it would create enough of a distraction to loosen his grip. When I saw him floating in space empty handed that's when I teleported you and the orb" San finished explaining. Wooyoung squished San's face in his hands causing the male to pout, "you are a fucking genius Choi San" he praised. The waterling smiled his eyes turning into crescents. Hongjoong watched the interaction with a soft smile. He was glad this crew was safe and sound. "How about we take a much needed vacation? Let's put work on hold?" He spoke loudly. Everyone turned to their captain, "YESS!!!" they all shouted. "Can we finally go to that resort on Tulia?" Seonghwa asked? The feline had been wanting to go there for months now. "That sounds perfect" Hongjoong agreed. Yeo pulled Wooyoung into his lap. Both men watched as their friends started making plans for once they got to the resort. Wooyoung never felt more at home, the Star 1117 and her crew was where he and Yeo belonged.


It had been three months since Yeo and Wooyoung were rescued from Soo-hyuk and his crew. Everything was back to normal. Wooyoung had fully healed, a few scars covered his skin but he was quite happy about that claiming that he truly looked like a badass criminal. Yeo and Wooyoung's relationship had become stronger over the past three months, their vacation at the resort provided much needed healing for both of them. Some things however never change. "We're going to be late" Yeo gently shook Wooyoung. Once again he was trying to wake up Wooyoung so they could attend the morning meeting.

Wooyoung groaned pulling the covers over his head, "five more minutes" he muttered. Yeo sighed, "I already gave you five extra minutes, captain's going to be made if we're late" be pulled the covers off his boyfriend. Wooyoung rolled onto his back huffing, an idea popped in his head a smirk spreading across his face. He grabbed Yeo's wrist pulling him down into the bed. Wooyoung flipped positions so Yeo was pinned underneath him. The android wiggled in Wooyoung's grasp, "Wooyoung stop playing we're gonna be late" he whined.

Wooyoung leaned down pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "you know I love you right?" He asked staring into Yeo's eyes. The android nodded, feeling a little shy under the humans intense gaze. "Yes, now get off me and get dressed" he tried to push Wooyoung off him but the human wouldn't budge. "I have something else that we can do instead of go to that boring ass meeting " Wooyoung leaned down kissing Yeo again. The android melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around Wooyoung's neck. 'They can start the meeting without us' Yeo thought as Wooyoung pulled the covers over them.

~the end~

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