Lunch break does not new friends make...

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   “Gurl… really?” 

“ You have no idea how real I am right now. Gotta act like a competent employee now. Ttyl.”

“I already know this wont end well,”
You stuck your phone in your pocket, struggling to keep up with his long strides, trying desperately not to soccer-mom walk to keep up with him. Your eyes scanned over his physique. If you just saw his face youd expect him to be an absolute twig, but he actually had a broader build. Not exactly “fit”, but just a boxy build, and his limbs were lenky. Like- longer than the Great Wall of China. He looked like a piece of abstract art. 

Meanwhile, Johnathan was lost in thought, despite his earlier mistake, his face was already buried back into his papers. He picked every part of the math apart, rechecking and revising. You almost tripped yourself, weaving through the new halls warily. You passed by an office with a tag on the door saying “Dr. Ohnn, and stopped in your tracks, turning to see your oblivious new boss keep walking. He was very… scatter brained for a top scientist. “Dr. Ohnn!” You called after him, and he quickly spun around, almost surprised. He definitely forgot you were there. “Is… is this your office?”

He looked around before nodding, pointing his finger to the door as he back tracked to you. “Ah! Yes of course! Thank you so much darling (Y/N).” He was clearly flustered as he walked into the office past you. “You’ve been here ten minutes and already know better than me, heh.” 

The office wasn’t exactly clean, but it was big. The desk in the corner was covered in different papers, cups, and snack bags. Many all nighters clearly spent there. Behind it was more of a lab area, with a white board and small models. Prototypes you assumed. On the other side of the room sat another desk, clean and new with a nice computer atop it, as well as a small file. Your new desk.  “Wow… You’re dedication definitely shows.” You didn’t mean it as a compliment, but you phrased it like one. Walking over to your desk, you opened the small file to receive a small card with your name and a bar-code, as well as “Level 4 access” printed on it. Wait… “Level 4 access!? To an assistant?” You looked over to Dr. Ohnn, holding up the card. 

“Oh, yes! This project you’ll be helping me with is one of the biggest Alcemax has ever taken on! I’m the second lead to the project, behind Dr. Octavius, so you will be needing it.” 

You could hardly believe it… Level 4 was only one away from the top. “What exactly is this project? I was never really briefed on this whole thing.”

Johnathan raised his eyebrows in response, moving over to his office door, shutting it quickly, before running back to the white board, showing off some stupidly long math problems you knew you’d never understand. “We are doing something revolutionary. We are going to create pathways to other DIMENSIONS!” He quickly came back to you, starting a long lengthy explanation on how it works, why there doing it, what a collider is. By the time he was done, you were a little confused, but got the basic jist.

“Oh, okay… hm, I had no idea we were so…” You thought of a way to put it. “Morally gray?”

John was a little surprised by this comment, but nodded understandingly. 

“Pff, oh yeah. It took me a hot minute to get used to as well, but Alcemax provides resources and opportunities to change lives and revolutionize the world!” He states, sticking a finger in the air, with a determined grin. 

“Right, well I’m grateful I get to work under the man soon to make history!” You chirp, smiling up at him. He did his best to hide his flustered face, adjusting his glasses.

“Right, well… It’s about time for lunch! I may be a hard worker but I never skip a meal!” He patted his belly as he hopped up. “We’ll get you more settled into your duties after.” He walks to the door, beckoning for you to follow. You hop up, walking close behind him. Once you reach the cafeteria, you see lots of different scientists.. Only a few people there without lab coats, you being one of them. You really didn’t like being a stand out. Maybe if you stick close to Johna- and he’s gone. Off talking to some science guys. Right, no matter. You are a strong, independent woman who can totally mingle. Easy. 

Johnathan went and sat with his usual group, starting up with the usual small talk. After a few minutes one of the scientists whistles, hitting Johns arm. “Look at the new girl. What a looker.” John raises a brow, following his line of sight to… you. A gross mix of emotions floods his senses. Jealousy, anger… agreement. He just gave an annoyed sigh as the other men turned and nodded, starting to jest eachother on who has the better chance on dares to ask for your number. Lucky HR didn’t hear.

As the boys banter, you found mingling to be a tad more difficult. So you decided to just go eat in the office. You can’t say why, but you thought it a good idea to let Dr. Ohnn know, in case he needed you. You walk up to the table, sneaking up behind him and tapping his arm lightly. He turned around semi-lazily, comedically jumping back when he saw you. “(Y/N)!” The other guys all turned to look at you, all chatter dying instantly, which made you feel akward as fuckkkk. 

“Ummm sorry seems like I cut in at a bad time? I’m gonna go eat in the office if you need me. Enjoy your lunch.” You smiled at Dr. Ohnn, turning to take your leave, before he gently grabbed your shoulder, stopping you. 

“Having trouble breaking into a group?” You nodded, looking back at him. “You could join us if you’d like! I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind.” He turned to his group, all of them shrugging or shaking their head. Scientists… A bunch of nerds who freeze up at a pretty face. You take a deep breath, moving and sitting next to Dr. Ohnn. 

“Hi, my names (Y/N)! It’s nice to meet you!” You smiled at the group. You knew you felt out of place. You were the only girl at the table, all eyes on you filled with heterosexual anxiety. Geez, they all look twinks, you’d think at least one of em would be gay. “Sooo… what were you talking about earlier?” 

“Nothing!” At least three of them spoke in unison. Okay, you can take a fucking hint.

“Dr. Ohnn, I think I might’ve left uh… something in the office. I’m gonna go look. Here you go though, for inviting me.” You handed him a small sweet you had made from your lunch, before getting up, smiling and nodding at him. He couldn’t help but feel special. All these guys obviously tripping over themselves for you, and you thanked him. You gave him a gift. He nodded, mouthing a small sorry before you took off to the office. He turned back to the table, leaning on his elbow, raising a brow at his colleagues. “Smooth, guys.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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