Lez get into ittt

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(I don't do epilouges, nobody reads em anyways. If yall got any critiques i'd love to hear emm. I wanna make sure i write Spot right, and make (Y/N) likeable and relatable, yaknow?)

There was one word to describe how you felt right now. Nervous. 

Today was your first day working in under your new boss at Alchemax. You’ve worked here a few months, but today would be the first day under a new department, in a new building, with a new boss. You’d be Dr. Ohnns new assistant. You’ve jumped around bosses quite a bit now, but this was… different. You had to sign all these contracts swearing you to silence. The project you’d be helping with was strictly confidential. Nothing like this before, and never anything at Alcemax HQ. You missed your old building already. One of your co-workers, Sasha, who you were particularly close to messaged you a little earlier.

“Good luck bestie! I know it looks intimidating… and it is. But you’ll do fine. Plus, Ohnn is a dork type of scientist, not a mad type. You can handle him. Have funnnn :))))” 

The message calmed your on edge nerves a bit, since she often bounces between her building and this one for work. You take a deep breath, looking up at the big glass doors. Summoning some shaky courage, you walk in, heading to the front desk. A girl at the front desk gave you a deadpan look, tilting her head. “How can I help you?” 

“Oh, um I’m Dr. Ohnns new assistant. (Y/N). It’s my first day here.” You looked at her nervously, clenching your hands under the desk so she wouldn’t see. To your relief, she smiled at you with a welcoming warmth, nodding her head gently. 

“Of course, hon. I’ll let him know you’re here! Go ahead and take a seat.” her tone changed to one so much sweeter. You thanked her, walking to the seats and sitting down. Just that interaction alone made you feel so much better. You felt confidence rise in you, a small smile rising to your face as you wait. 

Meanwhile, Johnathan Ohnn was quickly making his way to the lobby to meet you. He was scanning papers, clumsily weaving through other scientist in the hall, occasionally giving a small “Sorry”, “ ‘Scuse me” “coming through”. He felt so overwhelmed with all this work, all this pressure to deliver, and he was absolutely ecstatic to be getting an assistant to help him with it all. Admittedly, he knew very little about you. Your name, your… just your name. Being so busy, he didn’t have time to study up on you. As he neared the lobby, he thought he saw an error in one of the test results, bringing the paper close to his face as he walked. Not the brightest move on his part, since he instantly lost all spacial awareness, tripping over a chair in the waiting area, catching himself barely, his arms flying in front of him as they hit the ground, as his papers scattered. 

You saw this from across the waiting area, quickly rushing over, helping him up, your hand around his elbow. “Woah, man. You okay?” You asked, bending down and grabbing his scattered papers with him following close behind you.

“Ah, jeez. Yeah- yeah. Yes. I’m okay I just uh…” He got a good look at you, his face warming. If he was handsome by scientist standards you were… woah. His eyes scanned over your body as you pick up the last few pieces of paper, standing up and handing them to him with a smile. A breath taking smile. “I don’t think i’ve seen you around here before, miss. What uh, what might your name be?” He said, taking the papers, his finges pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he leaned his face closer to you, inspecting you further. Working with scientists, you were used to them forgetting personal boundaries in situations like this, but his rather cute face made yours heat up. Backing away a bit awkwardly, you moved some hair from your face. “(Y/N). It’s nice to meet you…” You glance down to his name-tag on his chest, your eyebrows raising “Oh! Dr. Ohnn! Nice to meet ya, boss.” You chirp, reaching to his hand, shaking it firmly. 

Jonathan quickly straightened up, instant guilt setting in over his previous thoughts now knowing you were his new assistant, unintentionally making you realize just how much taller than you he was. Like damn, someone drank their milk as a kid. Johnathan nodded, his hand squeezing yours gently. 

“Ah! Yes! It’s nice to meet you too, (Y/N). Come, come. Science waits for no man!” He said quickly turning around, walking down past front desk. In his head he was cursing himself for that ridiculously dorky transition, but yout thought it was cute, following close behind him, sending a quick message to Sasha. 

“You didn’t tell me he was CUTE! >:000

Overthinkers,,,,The Spot (Johnathan Ohnn) x Fem Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora