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"It's basically the same with story for all of us" Chuck told him, walking side by side to the hammocks to show the greenie where he'd be sleeping.

"We wake up in the box, Alby gives us the tour, then here we are. Don't worry. You're already doing better than I did. I clunked my pants three times before they got me out of the pit" Chuck admitted, turning his back for a second only when he turned back, Blue Shirt was walking towards the maze.

"No, come on. Dude, where are you going?" He ran to catch up with him.

"I just wanna see"

"You can look around all you want but you better not go out there" Chuck warned him, standing with his hands on his hips.

"Why not?" He questioned sceptically. "What's through there?"

"I don't know. I just know what I'm told. And we're not supposed to leave" He told Blue Shirt, just as two guys came jogging out.

"Hey Chuck" One of them greeted as he jogged past. "New Greenie, huh?"

"How does it feel to be promoted?" The other asked as he nodded his head towards the small boy.

"Feels great Ben" Chuck beamed proudly.

Blue Shirt looked back to him with raised eyebrows. "I though no one was allowed to leave"

"I said we're not allowed to leave" He repeated, his tone tinged with a mixture of fear and urgency. "They're different, they're runners. They know more about the maze then anyone"

"Wait, what?" Greenie frowned. "Maze?" The weight of the information sank in, threading a newfound sense of urgency through his mind.

Blue shirt, driven by an insatiable curiosity, began to move, propelled by an invisible force that pulled him towards the unknown.

"Where are you going? What are you doing?" Chuck's voice carried a mixture of concern and caution.

With determination craved into his features, the Greenie turned his gaze towards him, his eyes flaming with purpose. "I'm just gonna take a look," he responded, his words laced with determination, challenging the rules that bound them.

"I told you, you can't! No one leaves, especially not now. It's not safe." Chuck pleaded in a desperate attempt to stop him from his impulsive decision.

As Blue Shirt made his way toward the door, determination etched upon his face, a figure emerged from the shadows, a mixture of authority and concern in his eyes. "Hey!" a voice called out. "We gotta stop meeting like this, Greenie" Gally's tone sounded challenging.

A surge of adrenaline pulsed through Greenie's veins as he felt a firm grip on his arm. "Get off me!" he shouted, his voice tinged with frustration and resistance. The glade erupted into chaos, a cacophony of cries and shouts echoing off the stone walls. "All right! Calm, calm, calm," Gally attempted to soothe, his voice cutting through the commotion.

Valerie watched from afar, dropping everything to run to Newt's side. She watched in shock as Blue Shirt, his senses overwhelmed by fear and confusion, lashed out, his voice loaded with anger. "Don't touch me!" he exclaimed, he strongly spoke out against the restrictions that kept him trapped. His refusal echoed in the glade, leaving a feeling of bitterness in the air.

Newt raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, his voice calm but firm. "Whoa! Take it easy! Just relax." He tried to reason, to bridge the gap between the Greenie's curiosity and the unknown dangers that lay beyond.

But Greenie, his frustration rising, remained firm. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?" he demanded, his voice tinged with both accusation and desperation. His eyes darted from one face to another, searching for answers that seemed perpetually out of reach. They skimmed past Valerie, her face frozen in a fear of helplessness.

Newt's voice softened, an undercurrent of regret in his words. "Just calm down, all right?" he implored, his voice carrying a tinge of regret.

"No, okay? Why won't you tell me what's out there?" His voice wavered with a mix of frustration and pleading, his heartache and confusion laid bare.

A chorus of voices rose in response, laden with concern and a sense of misguided protection. "We're just trying to protect you. It's for your own good," they echoed, their words a fragile shield against the perils that awaited beyond the door.

"Thom- It's not safe" Valerie tried to assure him, her arms stretched out in surrender in front of her.

But Blue Shirt, his determination firm, took a step forward, resisting the group's desire to confine him. "You guys can't just keep me here," he declared with a determined voice.

Newt's gaze hardened, a flash of determination flickering in his eyes. "I can't let you leave," he stated firmly, his voice tinged with regret and a hidden pain that lingered beneath his tough exterior.

"Why not?" Blue Shirt's voice cracked, his frustration reaching its high point, his longing for answers echoing in his words.

As he stood on the threshold of the Maze, his heart pounding in his chest, a sudden change in the atmosphere seized his attention. The air, once still and heavy, transformed into a living substance, charged with anticipation. A low, distant rumble echoed through the glade, hinting at the approaching force of nature.

Then a surge of energy whipped through the surrounding landscape. The sound of a powerful gust of wind reached Blue Shirt's ears, carrying with it a symphony of rushing air and distant echoes. It grew louder, intensifying with each passing second.

The wind, invisible yet undeniable, seemed to emerge from the very depths of the Maze itself. It howled and roared, its force rattling the massive stone walls that encased their world. The trees that lined the outskirts of the Maze bent and swayed in a wild, synchronized dance, their branches creaking and leaves rustling.

The gust swept across the vast expanse, whipping up dirt and debris in its wake. The Greenie felt the impact of the wind against his body, a forceful embrace that tugged at his clothes and tousled his hair. It carried with it a raw, untamed power, a reminder of the untold forces that lay beyond the Maze's threshold.

He stood there, caught between awe and dread, his breath mingling with the fading gusts of wind. "What the hell?" His gasped, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Gally's voice carried a heavy weight of regret as he uttered his final words. "Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." The air crackled with anticipation, and the unknown loomed before them, beckoning the Greenie into a world of danger, discovery, and unimaginable truths.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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