Ultimate Skills

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Lovecraftian series The Darkness

Space-Time Manipulation- Self-Explanatory

All of Creation

Infinite Regeneration

Greater Sage - A higher Version of Great Sage

Acausality- Immunity to causality boh natural & Supernatural

Body Manipulation - By manipulating magicules, one can manipulate their body from changeling their form or drastically boost physical physique

Reality Manipulation - Able to Manipulate the world within one's magicules & EV Level

Eyes of Black: Omnipresence in all things in the color black from shadows, clothing, and even body parts. Able to see and hear through them.

Corporeal Manipulation: Able to change between having a corporeal form or not. While in Non-Corporeal form, you can not be harmed.

Alternative Mimicry: Able to copy any skill or magic and alter them as user seem fit.(Similar to Guy Crimson Lucifer Skill, but greater. Guy can only copy & use other skills, but with this skill one can copy a skill & make changes to them. Limit is 5 Ultimate Skills, 12 Unique Skills, and 3 Orgin skills. There is no limit on other skills.

True Self Resurrection: If the host dies, they can resurrect themselves stronger than before and immune to the way they are killed. Even destroying one's soul doesn't is pointless.

Blackness Manipulation: Able to manipulate anything covered in black.

Authors Note
This skill alone would be one of the strongest skills to have. An immortality similar to that of a true dragon, but without the fear of having yourself being changed.

Ultimate Skill

Hogkyoku, Lord of Dreams

All of Creation

Evolution: In a constant state of evolution.

Dream Manifestation: Able to bring forth the user and others' deepest desire into existence.

Bestowal: Able to bestow a portion of the users' power onto a subordinate.

Author's note

While not exactly powerful, it can bypass many of the rules in tensura and can create skills over time or perform miracles. Given time, it could allow one to do something that shouldn't be possible, such as a true dragon having a child without backlash

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