5. N I G H T M A R E S

52 19 15

"It's all messy-

The bed, the hair,
the words, the heart."

- Anonymous



There is one type of introvert who loves to talk but can't find a listener, Lily can be easily put in that category. All most every person in our class who knows maybe the entire school has fall victim to her overly sweet personality at least once or twice.
Now when she is sitting next to me blabbering nonsense I can understand why everyone avoids her during free time like a plague despite loving her.

"Can't I just punch her in the face and shut her?" Rachel whispered to me lowly shooting daggers at Lily who was sitting opposite us.

I sighed flipping the page of my book. Only if she knew how much I want to do the same. But, it's not just anyone it's Lily. It's just.. you know the type of people you can never be mad at Lily is that type. All flowers and sunshine.

"Let's pray that the bell rings soon," I muttered lowly only enough audible for Rachel, I put a bookmark in my book because there is no way I would be able to read right now. You can't read fiction without paying full attention. It's only then that you can drink in the words, live along with the soul existing in there and drown yourself in a world you wish you were a part of.

Rachel jabbed me in the side bringing me back to reality. "Hmm." I try my poor attempt to play along even though I don't know whatever the fuck they are talking about.
Not that it puts a fraction in Lily's enthusiasm, she repeats the question "Where do you want to see yourself in the future?"

As a successful writer and a painter.

"I don't know. But, I better be crazy rich." I reply to her leaning on my chair. You should never tell people about your goals, all they ever will do is mock you.
Rachel snorts at her water hearing my reply. I wasn't being sarcastic. "What, don't tell me you don't want to be rich," I ask her rising my brows.

Rachel chuckles humorously, wiping her mouth with a napkin. " Everyone does but you are bold enough to admit it."

"I want to be a chef, " Lily adds in her dreamy voice. At least someone has a normal aim. "That's nice," Rachel says to her cushioning her hand to put her head in there.

"I want to start my cafe one day."

"It better be in our town. I am gonna be a regular in there if the cappuccino is good." I tell her playfully while the grin on my face mirrors the one on her face. If she has a cafe I am sure it will be warm and down to earth like her. A perfect place to sit with some paper, quills and a cup of coffee on the side.

I look at the book in my hand pitifully mourning over our short-lived acquaintance. Do you know what pure tragedy is? When you have to return a book without finishing it, without knowing the ending of nonexistent people you have ended up falling in love with. I know I can skip a few pages and just read the last page, but that would feel like betrayal.
Then, there would be another kind of pain knowing it ended, maybe even disappointment because it didn't end the way I wanted it to.

I hugged it to my chest sighing. Maybe I will just imagine the ending. Giving it back in the library I was passing the open ground which separated building C from building A.

That's when I was greeted with the most unusual scene I expected to encounter. A bunch of idiots were surrounding a boy while several audience surrounded them.

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