Chpt. 03

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Yibo's Pov;

"wake up!" my manager screamed "don't you know what today is?" she asked irritated

"Third of July?" i asked, still sleepy

"why. you kid. IT'S YOUR BASKETBALL TRYOUTS FOR TEAM CAPTAIN!!" She shouted, making me fall out of my bed

Ok, now Im fully awake "That's today?!" i asked and pick up my self rushing to the bathroom "WHY DIDN'T MY BROTHER WAKE ME UP?!" shutting the door

"he was also in a hurry for a meeting, so hurry up you only have 10 mins to prepare, you'll have your breakfast in the car" she said

I took a quick bath, brush my teeth and comb my hair, when i got out the bathroom, my manager prepared my jersey with a pair of shorts.

i wore a white tshirt underneath my jersey, and got down from my apartment, and get in the car

"so your schedule for today is, you have this basketball try outs at 9:45, but i think they will start at 10" she said

i checked the time, and it's currently 9:30, i sighed we have much more time

"also you have a meeting after your tryouts, exactly 1 pm and a photoshoot at 4 pm" she stated

"what about lunch?" i asked

"you'll have your lunch near the basketball court" she said, and i smiled

when we got there they were already line up, the coach was facing his back on me, but i don't really care much, i jog up to the team and greet them

"Good morning everyone, good morning coach" i said bowing to show my respect

"good morning yibo" my teammates

"good morning wang" a familiar voice said

i look at our new coach, he smiled so dearly, im at my awe

"ok! so today, im the substitute for the tryouts of who will be the team captain this year" he said smiling to everyone "I'll separate you to two groups"

after he was done "go to your places and let's start out our play!" he shouted and leave

"good luck to each one of us" the other player said

oh, I don't need luck, i have my motivation watching me, 'i need to impress him', i thought we got into our places and start our game

Zhan's pov;

this wang kid, is so energetic, he shoots three points always and never miss. a good leader to his team, also a good listener to what his teammates suggests

while the other team is crumbling, one player in particular had the audacity to hit one of wang's teammates

he took himself as a leader, showing his powers to the team, how better he is, but he can't even beat mr. wang. he tried to push him, but wang's body build can't be pushed that easily

"another three goes to wang yibo!" the referee shouted, i looked at every move the sways his body, i admit im impress

after the game was done, I talked to them "that was a great play everyone! I'll talked to your coach who i have chosen as the captain this year" i said, they all applaud, and i took my leave, congratulating each one of them

Yibo's pov;

I went to shower at the boy's bathroom, to rinse my sticky sweat off my body and change my outfit to have lunch

"before you go, take this documents, read it carefully and signed it" my manager said

"and where are you going?" i asked her

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