Chapter 2 | The Vanishing Incident

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|Crow: My apologies for the lack of continuous updates|

Vic: You have a life too girl 😩

The next morning, a panicked June burst into the kitchen, where September was sipping a mug of black coffee, a look of irritation across his porcelain face from being disturbed this early in the morning. July followed closely behind him, looking troubled.

"September! February is gone!" gushed June, pacing around the kitchen hectically.

September raised a bored eyebrow, sipping his coffee loudly. "Good riddance. What do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know! His bed was cold, too, which probably means that he's been gone for a while!" said June, flapping his arms around in a panicked manor like a dying chicken that had just lost it's head.

"Okay, well, come back and bother me when I actually care." sneered September, looking rather antagonized.

"Fine. July, let's go see if Daddy April knows what to do!" exclaimed June, dragging his tired twin out of the room.

September rubbed his temples and closed his eyes, trying to block out an oncoming headache. Suddenly, March slid silently into the room. September seemed to sense his presence, because he opened his eyes, scowling.

"Oh no, not you too..." groaned September loudly. March looked confused, tilting his head like a huge dog.

"Me too...?" he asked, putting on the kettle of hot water to boil.

September shook his head slightly, taking another sip of his coffee, finishing the cup.

"Never mind."

March shrugged it off and gently tapped September's temples.

"Headache?" he asked softly, his eyebrows furrowed together in concern.

September nodded silently, looking up at March. "Why do you ask?"

March shrugged. "You want some tea? Might help..." he asked quietly.

September gave him his rare, drained smile. "Yes, thank you."

March patted him gruffly on the shoulder, turning around to make September his tea with the boiling water in the kettle.

October walked in to the room, leaning against to door frame.

September grunted out a hello to him, going back to rubbing his throbbing temples.

"Tired?" Asked October, opening the fridge and digging through it in search of something.

"No. I have a headache." Answered September dully, glancing sideways at October who was now eating a chocolate donut.

"Bummer." He grunted, spraying pastry crumbs everywhere. 

September wrinkled his delicate, porcelain nose in distaste.

September opened his mouth, probably to say something snarky in response, but was cut off by June and July running into the room again.

"Guys! Daddy April is gone too!" June shouted frantically, making September wince in pain and close his eyes, a wrinkle appearing between his eyebrows as they scrunched together.

September wrinkled his nose, his eyes still closed, "Ew. Gay." 

June rolled his eyes, "Come on, September. We both know that you would totally ride a di-"

"Tea." Announced March, promptly cutting off June, placing the mug of tea in front of September.

September grunted, mumbling a quiet 'thanks' to March as he sipped the hot tea, which helped ease his throbbing headache slightly.

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