Chapter 2: Vampire and hungry

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Caroline wakes up with a start and goes out of the room

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Caroline wakes up with a start and goes out of the room. The nurse is the only one in sight.

"Excuse me? Where is everyone?"

"It's the middle of the night honey." The nurse tells her.

"It is? Oh, uh...have you seen my mom?" Caroline asks, worried for her.

"She left after dinner with your friend and then your other friend Elena stepped by." The nurse replies to her question.

"She did? Yeah, she did but she said her name was Katherine. Can I just get something to eat?" Caroline feels a sudden hungry that she has never felt before.

"Breakfast comes around seven." The nurse says to the blonde.

"But I'm hungry." Caroline frowns.

"You should go back to sleep." The nurse tells her.

She goes toward the room but then she stops.

"What is that smell?"

"Back to bed." The nurse repeats.

The nurse leaves but Caroline stays in the hallway. She looks everywhere and sees a blood bag in a patient's room. She goes toward the bag and touches it but the nurse arrives.

Bonnie frowned, never actually knowing how the blonde turned, she just turned cold to her because of something that she couldn't control.

"What are you doing in here?" The nurse asked.

"I don't know." Caroline mumbles, confused.

She takes Caroline to her room and leaves. Caroline sits down on her bed and takes the hidden blood bag from her pocket. She drinks but she doesn't like it and, disgusted, throws the bag on the floor. She looks down at the bag on the floor, climbs down from her bed and picks it up. She starts drinking again and her fangs appear.

"Did you know what was happening." Rebekah asked.

"No, because someone didn't tell me." Caroline said, glaring at Bonnie and Elena.

"We were protecting you, Caroline." Bonnie tells her with a frown.

"Look where that got me." Caroline mumbles to herself.



aroline is in her room. The curtains are drawn except for a small ray of light trickling from the window. Caroline tries to put her hand in the light, but withdraws it painfully when it burns. Bonnie arrives with a tray of food.

"Your mom said you're not eating."

"It's gross." Caroline replies to her friend.

"It's hospital food; it's supposed to be gross." Bonnie let's out a laugh. "She also said you're getting released tomorrow morning."

"Morning? I need to get out tonight." Caroline tells her.

"No, the carnival is going to happen without you, Caroline. I know it's hard for your neurotic control freak personality to process but me and Elena have it." Bonnie reassures her one of her friends.

"I'm not neurotic." Caroline says, frowning.


"It's okay, Care." Bonnie tells her.

"Look, it's not about the carnival okay? It's just that this place is just really depressing." Caroline explains.

"It's because you're sitting in the dark." Bonnie began to open the curtains.

"No don't!" Caroline runs to the opposite wall and presses herself flat against it to avoid the light.

"Caroline, what's going on?" Bonnie asks with an confused expression.

"Just close it, please?" Caroline mumbles, begging her.

"Care, what's wrong?"

"Close it!" Caroline yells, firmly.

Bonnie looked at the blonde in surprise. "Okay."


Caroline is putting on her jewelry. She puts on the necklace Elena gave to her but it burns her skin so she throws it on the floor. The nurse arrives and picks it up.

"That's pretty."

"Yeah, my friend gave it to me." Caroline tells the nurse.

The nurse leaves, Caroline drinks blood from a blood bag. She looks at herself in the mirror, her face is changing and her fangs appear. She screams, the nurse arrives.

"What's wrong?"

Caroline strangles the nurse and pushes her at vamp-speed against the wall. "You can't tell anyone, you can't tell anyone!" Caroline compells her.

" I can't tell anyone." The nurse repeats.

"You'll do what I say?" Caroline questions, shocked at the information.

"I'll do what you say."

"Good, because I'm starving." Caroline says before biting her.

"How could you do that?" Elena exclaims looking at her disbelief.

"Because I was literally starving and I didn't know what was happening."


Caroline is dressed and on the phone trying to call Bonnie.

"The doctor said I'm good as new. He signed me out. He said that I didn't have to wait 'til morning, so call me when you get this." Caroline hangs up before looking at the nurse.

"It's dark, thank god. I'm so sorry about that." Caroline apologizes, looking at the bandage on her neck.

"Okay, now what's the story?" Caroline asks the nurse.

"My husband likes to get kinky." The nurse responds.

"Yes, good. Okay, so I'm gonna take off. I'm the committee chair for the carnival and I'm worried it's a complete disaster. I mean god bless Elena, she does not understand the word fabulous. Once again I'm so sorry about that and if you could just forget that I bit you that would be great because I'm going to..." Caroline trials off at the end.

"Forgot what?" The nurse asks, confused.

"I don't know how that works but it's brilliant." Caroline mumbles before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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