since the kiss

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sorry for miss spelling^^

I was sitting in my sisters room talking to her and Taylor they were talking about how belly got a glow up and should wear a different bathing suit to get Conrads attention "y/n I think you should wear a different bathing suit this year too you look way hotter then last year maybe Jermey will notice you in a different and make him regret rejecting you" Taylor says  "Taylor I told you not to talk about that" says belly "its fine guys I dont even care Jeremiah said he didn't want to ruin what we had and that is that" I said getting up fixing my hair in the mirror "dont care my ass y/n you cried for TWO whole months after that" Taylor says sarcastically,

 let me explain what were talking about.     flash back☞  so last summer to say I wasn't the best looking is the best way to put it and well iv had a crush on Jeremiah fisher since I came out of the wome but he didn't like me back and I found that out the hard way, after we were hanging out in his room watching a movie lets just say I got the signals he was sending wrong and kissed him then he pulled away and said 'uh y/n I um I dont like you like that im sorry' and with that I said 'oh um im sorry okay sorry' and he said it was fine we finished the movie as if nothing happened then I went back to my room and told belly everything and in shock of what I just heard I didn't cry until the next night but sadly that was the day we were leaving back home 

back to now☞ "Taylor stop" belly says then we hear laurel  call from down stairs were about to leave and with that we say bye to Taylor then get into the car heading our way to cousins and little did I know this would be a very eventfully summer 

okay everyone I know I know I left y'all on a cliff hanger bare with me im not the best at coming up with stuff also I got my idea on a differnt jere story I dont know which one im to lazy to look though my library plus there's over a thousand stories in my library and gosh am I lazy but credits to the person I got this tiny idea from also be glad I gave yall something instead of just ya know not updating next chapter soon<3

sincerely author chan<3

437  words 

sat July 2022 2:30Am

~A summer love~ Jeremiah fisher x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora