02: "Friend"

13 1 17

'' Airport''

I woke up groggy and tired, I rubbed my eyes and adjusted myself to the bright lights.

"What in the living fuck is that sound," I groaned

The flight attendant was making an announcement about how we're going to land soon and some other stuff which I didn't understand because of her weird ass American TikTok accent. I tried to drown her shit TikTok voice out but it was impossible.

I put my hands on my ears desperate to make her shut up.

''Sleep well?'' Lukas asked when he noticed I awoke

Airport boy.. ''Mmm.. I guess," I answered

She continued ranting about how we needed to stay in our seats and I almost pulled my ears out so that I could stop listening to her. It was that bad. I took my ear phones, put on Rihanna and closed my eyes.

When we landed I took my ear phones out after hearing all the commotion and realizing we had landed.

''Bags,'' I reminded myself. I took my bags and started to walk out.

Before I walked out, the flight attendant was at the end of the hallway, talking to the passengers which were leaving.

"See ya nex' time," she chewed her gum obnoxiously.

I gave her a look which told her: shut the fuck up you ugly cow with your annoying goofy ass fucking monkey goo goo ga ga voice.

I think it worked as her face looked VERY

Kind of like this:

Kind of like this:

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I went to a small café named Oak Café, ordered an iced drink which was surprisingly very refreshing and sat down.

''Hello,'' a voice said. I turned round and I found a familiar sight in front of me, messy hair, a tall figure and a huge grin.

''Hi airport boy,'' he sat down opposite of me.

''Nice name,'' he grinned.

I giggled, ''Of course.''

''Hmm, I never caught your name shorty''

''Oh shut up you goofy pig, I'm not that short,'' I scoffed

''Woah, the fetus can talk?'' He chuckled

''Yeah it can, what's your problem Mr. can't comb his hair?''

''Nothing, what's your problem Ms. has no style?''

''Woah,'' I defended myself, ''too far, too far,''

Silence, and then we broke down in a quiet laughter.

''Really? Goofy pig?'' he laughed

''Hey I wasn't lying!'' I grinned

''Anyways," he chuckled, "I'm Lukas."

''Marie,'' I said happily.


We had to take a train to arrive at the school since it was a few hours away. The train wasn't too shabby to be honest. It was like the airplane but instead of three chairs per row there were two and some were a bit different from the others. The chairs were fairly comfy. They had a dark red colour, almost maroon which was fairly pretty.

We talked for most of the ride and I had bought sandwiches from before for a small snack but Lukas decided to sleep as he didn't sleep while we were flying and apparently we were going to go straight to an assembly after the ride so we needed to be "well rested."

Unlike Lukas I read for the whole trip except for 20 minutes which I closed my eyes for some relaxation.


We arrived at school after the incredibly long train ride. I walked to the doors of the train and hopped out, there was a beautiful lake surrounding it which had greenery every inch around it, large oak trees and pretty pink flowers with long grass. A large school sat in front of me. It was stunning. Beautiful. It was 8 stories and it resembled a castle. I sat there in awe, unable to move my gaze.

''You like it?''

I flapped my eyes back to see who it was. Lukas, ''Is that even a question? I think you know the answer."
He shrugged

''Well stop hanging around, I've got to show you the inside before the assembly.''

''Hm? Yeah of course. Do we have time though?" I asked

"Yeah of course," he assured me.

He took me inside and showed me most of the castle. Where the dorms were, the classes etc.

The school was beautiful. It even looks like a castle from the inside.


We ran to assembly and found a few empty seats to sit on.

The headmaster cleared his throat, ''Welcome!'' the room filled with cheers, ''Welcome to this brand new year here at Crestwood Heights Academy! I hope that you had a fantastic summer, here or at home.''

He had a large smile on his face. He wore a casual tight tux and had medium length hair which continued onto a nicely trimmed beard.

He seems nice.

''A few things for the newcomers before we start, It is FORBIDDEN,  to enter staff rooms and go outside of school bounds without permission." He said with a stiff voice

Mumbles echoed through the hall

"Your lessons will start at 9:30 am and finish at 2:30 pm, this will contain around 7 lessons a day and usually at least 4 free periods per week"

Word count: 846

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