Ben x Korra

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I had to ask Flamewarrior11 for some help cause I didn't know if it was a crossover ship or not. Ok so it's Ben Tennyson x Korra from legend of Korra according to flame. Here's what I was told from flame since I haven't seen either show yet. (I'm sorry I'll watch both as soon as I can!!!)
Ah. That’s a crossover ship.
Ben 10 and Korra from legend of Korra.
Both are heroes with similar personality traits.
They both had a sense of heroism and will protect others but also love to have fun/goof off. Ok thank you flame for the help! Me personally. I hate to ship characters I have a crush on with other characters. Besides the fact I'm a multi shipper and sometimes will. This is not one of those times. I mean when do these two ever actually meet? If they do I dunno. But I can see why you'd ship it.

Requested by a cool friend of mine: TheGangstaGenos1.

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