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Once upon a time, in a vibrant city, a highly anticipated music concert was about to take place. The venue was buzzing with excitement as fans eagerly awaited the arrival of their favorite K-pop group, EXO. Among the members, Chen felt a mix of anticipation and nerves. He was about to perform his most popular solo song, "Shall We?" which had touched the hearts of millions.

Little did Chen know that the day would hold an unexpected challenge for him. You see, Chen had recently discovered a sudden and severe allergy to eggplant. Unfortunately, he had unknowingly eaten a dish containing eggplant just before the concert. As the members prepared backstage, Chen began to feel an uncomfortable rumbling in his stomach.

As the time for his solo performance approached, the discomfort became increasingly unbearable. Chen knew he had to use the bathroom, but he couldn't leave the stage. He desperately tried to ignore the feeling and focus on his performance, hoping he could make it through without incident.

Meanwhile, in the sea of fans outside the venue, there was a young woman named Jiyeon. She had traveled all the way from a distant city to attend the concert. However, due to a series of unfortunate events, she found herself lost backstage. Jiyeon had a unique talent—she was a reflexologist. She had learned the art of acupressure and reflexology, and her skills had helped many people find relief from various ailments.

As she wandered backstage, Jiyeon stumbled upon a distressed Chen. She noticed the discomfort on his face and immediately recognized the signs of someone in need. Sensing that something was wrong, she approached him cautiously.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" Jiyeon asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Chen, startled by her sudden appearance, managed to nod weakly, desperately trying to hold himself together.

Jiyeon, acting on her instincts, said, "I'm a reflexologist. I might be able to help relieve your discomfort. Could I try?"

Desperate for any possible solution, Chen agreed, hoping that Jiyeon's skills could somehow provide him with some relief. Jiyeon gently led Chen to a quiet corner backstage, away from prying eyes.

With the limited time they had, Jiyeon focused on specific pressure points on Chen's feet and hands. She intuitively knew which areas to target to alleviate digestive issues. As she worked her magic, Chen felt a sense of calmness washing over him, even for just a moment.

However, as Jiyeon continued her acupressure, Chen's condition worsened. It became clear that he couldn't hold it any longer. Panic washed over his face as he realized the impending disaster.

Feeling a deep sense of empathy, Jiyeon quickly grabbed a nearby staff member and explained the situation. The staff member, understanding the urgency, escorted Chen to the nearest restroom while Jiyeon wished him luck, urging him to return as soon as possible.

As Chen rushed to the bathroom, he could hear the cheers growing louder from the crowd. His heart sank, knowing he was missing his moment on stage. He couldn't help but feel disappointed and embarrassed.

In the midst of his anxiety, Chen remembered Jiyeon's words. Despite the discomfort and humiliation, he resolved to return to the stage as soon as he could. He knew his fans were waiting, and he couldn't let them down.

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