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Hiroto Kkijji was a frigid boy who lived once upon a time. He resided in the hamlet of Ai.

"Good evening, kid..." He opened the door of Ai's oldest church, where he resides for years. His voice was a bit cold. The kid giggled. "Hello ghost man! My name is Miyuki. " Miyuki circled around the boy in happiness and excitement.

Miyuki never seen a ghost before, this was her first time.

"Good evening, Miyuki." Hiroto said politely. He didn't seem fazed whatsoever by the little girl's giddiness, it seemed to be an everyday occurrence for him, so he just greeted her properly without saying anything more. But Hiroto did look at Miyuki; his deep red eyes scanning the child from head to toe, his eyebrows furrowing slightly, as if he couldn't figure her out... But after that, he just waved, a polite smile forming on his lips.

"This is the place where Goddess Ai was slain 500 years ago, mister! She was one of the Heavenly Sustainers that kept the Stars glowing up to this day." Miyuki pointed at the stars, it was beautiful and at the same time, it twinkles. Hiroto stared at that sparkling sky for a while... and then it dawned on him. Ai? Heavenly Sustainer? Twinkling sky? "This is... Ai's temple...?"

"This place is also called Ai's hamlet, or Ai's casket." Miyuki runs up to the center of the church, pointing to a glass coffin. "She was slain here, so they kept her coffin here too." I see... so Ai's soul still resides here after all this time, huh. Hiroto was deep in thought for a moment...

"So... Ai really was a Goddess...?" Hiroto never thought about it, since he wasn't really religious, but hearing it from this child now... he kind of wanted to know more about her and her story. "And this place is also called Ai, in remembrance of the goddess." Miyuki opened her arms widely, showing Hiroto the night sky.

"This place is made of Ai!"

Miyuki star pupils sprung with red glow, as she smiled in perfection. "Amazing..." Hiroto stared, mesmerized by the starry night sky, as he listened to the child talk about Ai's origin... it was beautiful. As the child smiled at him happily, Hiroto seemed to be a bit startled by the red glow but didn't say anything. He was just in awe of the sky around him. Hiroto picked up a book that was beside the servant's office. The records show that Ai's descendants passed star pupils to every firstborn child. "It was kinda interesting..." Hiroto thought. As he read more about the star pupils, he was shocked that the red star pupils were the most fragile, and the black ones are the strongest.


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