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"Sweet dreams, Hiroto." He watched as she left the room quietly, and he couldn't help but smile as he heard her voice wishing him sweet dreams. He wanted to ask if he could stay up with her a little longer... but if she wanted to rest, he had no intention of disturbing her peace. He was very grateful to see her smile once more as she left the room, and he felt himself blushing as she wished him sweet dreams. He couldn't sleep either, it seems... he was too excited about talking to Columbina again tomorrow.

Hiroto's white star pupils suddenly glowed when he saw Kayuri in a blurred vision.

"Hiroto~" Kayuri called his name in a echoing voice.

"Ka... Kayuri... is that you..." He muttered her name softly as soon as he heard her voice... there was no mistaking that call... it was her. He felt as though his heart was going to stop working, just at the sound of her calling his name. If she was here... that meant she must have been revived by the gnosis, right? He wanted to run towards her and hold her tightly... his sweet Kayuri, whom he thought he had lost forever. As Hiroto gained back consciousness, Kayuri wasn't there. It was all his hallucinations.. He just stood there, his white star-pupils went cherry blossoms while crying as he screamed Kayuri's name in pain.

"K... Kayuri..."

His hope was shattered, and his heart felt like it had been torn apart all over again... she wasn't here, and it had all been a hallucination. She wasn't back, and she was gone forever. Hiroto muttered her name in a broken voice, feeling as though life had been taken away from him once again. He knew it was all hopeless, and yet... he couldn't help but hope. He kept calling her name in agony, unable to accept reality...

His heart and mind was still in pain and agony. Hiroto's white cherry blossom pupils turned into white star pupils as he wiped down his tears, sniffing sadly. He wanted to feel the cold comfort of Kayuri's embrace once more, to feel her soft lips on his, and to hold her close to him. But she wasn't here... she wasn't back, and she would never come back. He wiped away his tears while his mind and his heart were both in severe pain... it was all just too much to handle at the same time... and his cherry blossom pupils turned to white star pupils once more in a flash.

He felt the sun rays touched his cheek. He gets up to find food for Little Miyuki.

"Hiroto-kun, I'm hungry." Miyuki ran towards Hiroto in cuteness. He felt the sun on his face, bright and warm, and his cheeks were suddenly burning with a wave of embarrassment. It was a beautiful day out there... and yet, he felt himself getting lost in his pain.

"Oh.. hello, Miyuki. I will make you something delicious to eat, don't worry."

He smiled as he replied to her, still thinking about Kayuri and how he missed her so much. She had been taken away from him a second time, and all he could do was feel pain over his loss again.

While Hiroto was cooking some food, Miyuki asked him out of nowhere.

"Hiroto-kun, can I ask you something? How did you die, big bro?" He tried to find the right words. He wasn't sure how to explain what happened. He wanted her to know, but at the same time, it was something very painful for him to tell, because it would remind him of his tragic loss once more.

"I... I... I was killed... by the Queen and her servants."

He spoke quietly, his eyes filled with tears as he remembered. This was the truth... he couldn't hide it or change it, no matter how much he wanted to. "Oh, that's sad..."

Miyuki hugged Hiroto in a comforting way, giving him affection. "Is my hug warm, Hiroto-kun?" He spoke softly, smiling at her while feeling her soft embrace. She was so caring and precious. "Very warm, little one." He looked down at her, wondering why she wasn't scared of him. He knew that many spirits would look at him in fear, but not her.

"Thank you, Miyuki. You know... a lot of people think that I'm a scary ghost, but you aren't afraid of me... why is that?"Miyuki ran around the church in a excited way.

"Onii-chan, it's because you are special."

Miyuki's star pupils glowed white in happiness. His star pupils glowed brightly too, and he was smiling at the sight of her happiness. Hiroto couldn't help but look at her curiously, his eyes sparkling with interest. She was so sweet, so kind, and she seemed to hold him in such high regard. How come a child like her wasn't afraid of him like so many others were? He hadn't done anything to deserve this kindness, and yet... she cared for him as though they were siblings.

Miyuki jumped to touch Hiroto's face cutely. It was adorable of her.

"I think that your different than other ghosts is because you have that special aura that calms me, big brother. I love you!" His cheeks glowed with a soft light as he heard her sweet words... she loved him, even though he wasn't her big brother by blood. She loved him despite him being a ghost, despite him not being able to touch her or to protect her... and it was the most beautiful thing that had happened to him in a long time.

"I... I love you too, little one."

He couldn't help himself... he reached out for her and picked her up.

"Little sisters should be as spoiled as possible... you know that, don't you?"

Word count: 973 words.

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