Chapter 4: Confrontation

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A.N. Get used to these. Every chapter. Suck it up. I'm prewriting most of these. Whatever.

The song I listened while writing this chapter, as well as the song you should listen to while reading it is... Panic! At the Disco- Camisado.

Obviously, I don't own it. Panic! at The Disco does. Have you heard their new song? It's rad.


Connor's POV

"Are you gonna be like this Dad, Really?" I suddenly yelled. My dad stars at me blankly. Jude had left about an hour ago and my dad sat in silence after I just informed him of Jude and I's new relationship status. He had barely spoken to me since I told him I was gay, so nothing new really. He generally sat on the other side of the room, only talking to the doctors now and then. "You didn't get your perfect son, and so you feel the need to blatantly ignore me?"

"Watch your tone, Connor."

"He speaks!" I sarcastically exclaimed.

"Connor Michael Stevens, if you don't stop talking to me like that,I will ground you."

"Fine, go back to ignoring me." I mumbled.

"Can't you see I'm trying?" My dad angrily asked.

"Trying to do what, exactly?" I reply,"come to terms? Last time I checked, that didn't consist of neglecting to talk to your son for nearly three days."

"I'm your dad. It's just a lot for me to take in. I'm trying to be a good dad. Your good dad." He calmly stated.

"Since when? You're my father, but since when have you acted like a dad? A dad would have no problem accepting his kid, flaws in all. Whenever you're not trying to fit me into a mold I obviously don't belong in, you're busy banning me from seeing my friends because they might be gay. It's bigoted, and to be honest, stupid." I was seething.

Dad opened his mouth to speak. "I'm not done yet," I continued. "I understand that me being gay makes you feel like a failure, but this isn't gonna change me. I will still be you're son, if you decide you want to stay acting like a dad."I had calmed down considerably. "I need to know that you won't continue acting like an asshole because I'm not what you wanted me to be. Can you tell me that you're okay with me being gay?"

He covered his face and sat in silence once again. I was pissed that he would even have to think about it. "I-I can't" he says before leaving the room.

I stared at the TV, not really paying attention. My mind was elsewhere, consumed by rage.

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