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jiang cheng's pov

I always knew this day would come this dreaded day that would destroy all that is left .My father never loved me nor my sister and much less my mother. He's been searching for someone some kid they say. Nut why would mother fight with father to bring a child home? not that my mother was very sweet and innocent women she was a fierce dominant beta. 

Everyone thinks I have a wonderful happy family with 2 parents madly in love for it is unique for a beta to be pregnant the third time. A female beta can get pregnant only twice in a lifetime and therefore mothers case was unique However the truth about their relation was a something completely different. Father is never with mother there are times when I hear hem arguing to the extent of throwing things at each other about a woman called Cangse Sanren 

however dads had a new obsession wei yang he wants to get that child home and wants to adopt him. but what is adopt i have been asking jeijei about it but she doesn't answer and always say" A-cheng its an adult matter u need not worry " but how do i not worry if these fights goes on and my parents decide to get........

......... separated .......

   only thinking about it makes me angry and sad how can they be selfish if they get separated will me jeijei and didi also get separated? 

end of pov..

it was a stormy night i lotus pier. A heavily pregnant Madam yu stood near the gates welcoming (not so warmly) her husband with her famous ring whip infused with lightning  , zidian stretched out as if waiting for the prey  

"so you finally got him here at lotus pier fine but understand he will never be MY SON he is just a servant a  wretched servant's servant son"

"san-niang please he's just a kid "

"just a kid?just akid or your kid? dont you think am a fool fengmian i know very well what feelings you had for that bastard wei changse and now for this bastard cuz he is your bastard you never loved me nor your children you always loved him and am sure this is your son which is why you went all the way to get that bastard. and amazing he's an alpha so now you want to snatch my achengs rights ill never let this happen fengmian neve.." her speech suddenly stopped

looking down her water had broke...............

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