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Long ago, in a time before recorded history, the world existed in a state of chaos and turmoil. The boundaries between the physical and spiritual realms were indistinct, and powerful beings roamed freely, harnessing the universe's energy to perform extraordinary feats of magic and display awe-inspiring power. These beings, known as the "Elders," commanded fear and reverence from all who lived in their presence.

For centuries, the Elders governed the world, using their immense abilities to manipulate the forces of nature and bend reality itself. However, as time passed, the Elders grew old and feeble. Their powers diminished, and they foresaw a future where their abilities would be forgotten, and the world would descend into darkness and disorder. In a desperate attempt to preserve their legacy, the Elders channeled their remaining energy into the creation of a new world.

Through their mastery of magic, the Elders forged the world we now inhabit, imbuing it with the remnants of their fading power. This act laid the foundation for the magical forces that would shape this new realm. With the passing of the Elders into history, their legacy endured through the existence of individuals who could tap into these mystical energies.

These individuals came to be known as "Hunters," and they emerged as the shapers of the world we know today. The influence of the Elders did not cease with their departure, however. Some speculate that the Elders still linger, their power lingering in the world, waiting for the opportune moment to reclaim their dominion. The truth of their legacy remains a mystery, but their profound impact is evident through the presence of magic and its continued influence on those who possess it.

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