Ariana grande dolly parton

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Dolly Parton was driving through Nashville in her convertible Cadillac when she saw a young girl singing on a street corner. The girl had a beautiful voice but looked tired and worn. Dolly stopped her car and asked the girl her name.

"I'm Ariana Grande," the girl said shyly.

"Well Ariana, you've got quite a voice on you," Dolly said. "Ever think of trying to make it in the music business?" 

Ariana's face lit up. "I've always dreamed of being a singer but I don't know how to make that happen."  

Dolly smiled. "Well hop in sweetheart, I think I can help you get started."

Ariana's eyes widened in disbelief but she climbed into the car. The two women drove and talked for hours. Dolly gave Ariana advice on how to navigate the music industry, introduced her to some of her industry contacts, and mentored her on songwriting. 

Over the years, their friendship grew as Ariana's career took off. Dolly was a mother figure, giving guidance and wisdom from her many years in the business. When Ariana won her first Grammy, Dolly was there to cheer her on from the audience. And when Ariana faced hardships and difficulties, Dolly was always just a phone call away, ready with words of encouragement and comfort. 

The two women, from different generations of music but with the same big dreams, formed an unbreakable bond through their love of song and performance. And though their styles were different, their spirits and passion for music connected them in a way that transcended time.

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