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As soon as I see her  I know that I'm fucked in every sense of the word. I can't help but rake my eyes up and down her body. I know she's here for the same reason I am and that's an issue. But god is she sexy as hell. She knows how to get attention and she's definitely getting it from not only the guys but me as well. Her long pale legs compliment her skin-tight black dress so well. Her big hazel eyes are breathtaking. The way her lips curl up into a smile and how smooth her voice is as well as how she purrs her words is an immediate turn-on.         

     So naturally the second she suggests working together instead of me just taking her out I jump right on that idea. There is no way someone like her should be on the receiving end of my gun. However, I refuse to let anyone else be the one who kills this son of a bitch. In the little amount of time I have worked for him Sam has proven to be one of the worst people I've ever known. 
     Just seeing his gross, slimy hands on Cherry's body is making me want to murder him right here in this club. I've only known this girl for 10 minutes and she's already doing something to me that I don't like. I've never been like this over a girl. I would've taken anyone else out if they were also after one of my targets. But something about this girl...I just can't. 

"Guys I'm going to step outside for a quick cigarette I'll be right back." I hear Cherry purr. Her voice sends my blood straight to my cock. Sam presses a kiss to her cheek before she can walk away and my blood begins to boil. He's touching my woman. He's tainting her perfectly pale skin with his nasty paws and mouth. I can only imagine the things he's thinking of doing to her and I'll make sure he pays for that. She's mine

"I'll join her and make sure she doesn't run away." I only half-joke with the men. Now that she has my attention there is no way in hell I'm letting her go.

I follow Cherry outside, eyeing how good her ass and curves look in her skin-tight dress. If I had to guess she's around a size 18 but that doesn't stop her from being the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. I myself am a bigger dude. 

We step into the alleyway outside of the bar and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. It is drastically quieter out here and I can finally come up with a plan on how to take this piece of shit out of this world. As fucked up as this earth is it is still far too good for people like Sam. And all of his men are equally as fucked up so I know I have to take them all out. 

"So what's your plan, Cherry?" I ask as I light up my cigarette. I see her do the same, taking an immediate drag from hers. The cherry on the cigarette burns almost the same shade of red as her lipstick and I can't help but wonder if that's how she got her nickname. She takes a deep breath before she speaks again.

"Well my original plan was to seduce him and take him out at a secure location but with the other 3 men up his ass, I'm not so sure how easily I'll be able to do that. What's your plan?" She speaks, and her voice is one of the sexiest things I have ever heard. I can't help but wonder what she would sound like whimpering and moaning for me. I push the thought out of my head as quickly as I can but not quick enough because I can feel my jeans tighten around my dick. 

"I gained his trust and am part of his inner circle but you're right. There's no way to take only him out. All 4 of them will have to go. And I admittedly could use a little help there. Not that I couldn't take them all but I have some special treatment for Sam that's going to take up a little bit of time and I know we both want this job done ASAP." I speak, puffing on my cigarette after I get all of my thoughts out. She nods and chews on her lip as she thinks. My mind wanders to what else that mouth of hers can do...

"I have no problem helping with that. I can invite them all back to my place in the promise of an orgy and we can go from there. I do have one question before we proceed. Who the hell do you work for? I thought I was the only one in this small ass town doing work like this." She lowers her voice to a whisper as a couple steps out to hit their vapes. 

"I'm self-managed love. I work for myself and myself only. I don't need someone else telling me how to do my job. No offense." I say back, matching her volume of a whisper. "I think your idea is a good one, but there is no way in hell I'm letting any of those fucks touch you." I spit out the words before I can even think about them. This girl is making me do and say things that I normally wouldn't and I don't think that I like it. 

"Oh, why? Is someone a little jealous?" She teases and I feel anger rise in my chest. The couple hitting their vapes has since left so I act without thinking. I slam her back into the brick wall of the bar, placing my hand on her throat. 

"Love, I am an insanely jealous man and I want to kill Sam right here, right now for just touching you. Now that I've met you, you're mine and only mine. Understood?" I spit at her, watching her already large hazel eyes grow larger.

"You're fucking crazy. I don't even know you." She states as she wiggles out of my grip. "Let's just get back inside." She hisses moving quickly towards the front of the bar. I can't help but smirk as she goes. She doesn't know it yet but she's mine. And she and I are both fucked for it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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