letter 3

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Dear Zoey,                                                                                                                                      7/15/23

I miss you more and more everyday. I like to think that you are my soul-sister. I wish I said 'bye' that day on the bus, because I feel like you hate me. If you do, never ever tell me because I know I would not survive the heartbreak that it would cause. I can't live without you. The only reason I'm still here is because I won't let myself think that you hate me. We have known each other since kindergarten! What am I supposed to do if you hate me?!  Do you remember how old we were when we first met and where we met? If not let me tell you. We were five. We met at Boulder Bluff Elementary School. Do you remember when we became BFFs? If not let me remind you. We were BFFs the second we started talking to one another. Do you remember when we met again after I moved away? If not let me tell you. We met again at Cottageville Elementary. I was in fifth and you were in fourth. Do you remember when you moved seats to comfort me? What grade we were? Do you remember who our bus driver was? Let me tell you. I was in 8th and you were in 7th. Our bus driver was Mr. Fields. Do you remember what said bus driver's first name was? We heard it on the radio. No? It was John. Do you remember all the picnics on the bus? Do you remember your nickname for me? Do you remember my nickname for you? Do you remember any of the memories we shared? Do you?! I remember them all. They are all that I think about day in day out. When I wake up the memories start. When I fall asleep that is what I dream about. I miss you.

From, Elizabeth

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