Prologue: A mission gone wrong

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(Y/N) was just a regular soldier, someone who fought for what he thought was right, he had no family, he had no friends, all he had left was the fight, and his honor. As one of the best soldiers, he got accepted into a special forces group known as the "Shadow OPS". From there he worked his way up the ranks, eventually becoming the commander. One day, when they were on a mission they were betrayed, and they lost their commander.

Soldier: Commander, all the men are in the briefing room.

(Y/N): Understood, I'll be there soon.

Soldier: Yes sir.

The soldier walked away from (Y/N) and back to the briefing room.

(Y/N): I guess I better go in there.

(Y/N) walked out of his room and went to the briefing room. Standing in front of the special forces unit, he started to speak.

(Y/N): Alright men, our job is to investigate an abandoned town about three clicks away from an African village. If the intel we have is correct, they have taken hostage of a high-priority ally known as Conner Davids. There may be soldiers, so we have to get as close as we can in vehicles and proceed from there on foot. Only a small team will enter the town, the rest will stay outside as backup in case things go wrong. Remember, Conner Davids is their hostage, so check your shots and try to stay quiet, if you get caught, try to stall for time or negotiate, Conner can't die, if he dies, the war is over. Understood?

Shadow OPS: Yes sir.

(Y/N): Good, now prepare, we leave at twenty-three hundred hours.

The Shadow OPS leave the room to go prepare for the mission.

*2300/11:00 PM*

(Y/N) and his men were getting in the trucks to drive to the old town.

(Y/N): Alright, when we get there I want 2-3, 2-5, and 2-1 to come with me, the rest of you stay as backup. Do you understand?

Shadow OPS: Yes sir.

The truck stopped close enough to see the town but far enough to stay hidden from the enemy. (Y/N), 2-3, 2-5, and 2-1 got out of the truck and started jogging to the town, once they got there (Y/N) peaked through an alley.

(Y/N): Alright, 2-1, you're with me, you two, I want you to go to the other side of town and check the buildings, we'll check this side.

2-3 nodded and all four of them walked down the alley, once they got to the end of it (Y/N) and 2-1 went into the building as the other two checked their corners and proceeded to cross the street.

(Y/N): Alright, I'll check the basement and you check the upper floor.

2-1: Got it.

(Y/N) went to the basement but it was dark so he activated his NV goggles, but when he did he saw something in the middle of the room, walking closer it started to smell bad, when he got to it he saw a dead body in a chair and multiple tools on a table to his left.

(Y/N): Fuck. *Radio* Guys, there's a body down here, they're torturing people here.

2-1: Shit. Is it Conner?

(Y/N): No, probably some guy who made them mad, everyone keep looking, 2-1, meet me on the ground floor.

2-1: Okay.

(Y/N) went upstairs to see 2-1.

(Y/N): *Radio* Did you guys find anything yet?

(Y/N) and 2-1 heard a scream from across the town.

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