001; → new origins !

147 10 13

'Long ago there was a great man who claimed the title 'the king of pirates'. That man's name was 'Gol. D. Roger'. He obtained everything this world had to offer, and in his last words he said..;

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything this world has to offer in that place!"

Upon hearing those words the world began raging with a new era of pirates' all searching for the one-piece!

One of those people was a certain boy wearing a strawhat, who longed to be the king of pirates, a strong ambition for such a bright kid. The luck he possesses will surely get him far or so I suppose.'


'But in this story, monkey.D.luffy is not the protagonist but a young child who he brought along as his first crew mate.'

'It all started when..


(The night before luffy set sail)

"hah..I'm so hungry..I wonder if there's any meat in town.." Luffy yawned as his stomach rumbled. He made his way to town until a certain thing..or should I say person caught his eye.

His eyes lead him to a small figure on a grassy cliff seemingly gazing out to the ocean and stars, looking quite captivated in the scenary.

'whats up with them?,it's just the sea. What a weird kid'

He thought as he looked a the child from a far. His stomach rumbled, and he remembered his previous goal. Food. He continued his walk to town, specifically makinos bar.

Makino smiled and greeted him when he walked in asking him what he needed.

"Makino-sann I'm hungryy" luffy complained in response as Makino grinned and gave him what he came for, meat, his favourite. Makino began small talk with luffy as she served him.

As luffy ate, his bites became slower and slower due to thinking back on that kid he saw, he was curious as you could be.

"Hey Makino-san? What was that kid doing on the cliff over there?"
Luffy asked, curiousity lingering in his tone, as he pointed in the direction he saw them.

Makino smiled softly, as if recalling a fond memory,

"Well that kid is Y/N and they're just like you. They also aim to be a pirate even though I doubt they realise it, I can tell they want to sail across the sea, by the way they look at the sea so longingly."

"Whenever I see them, they're always etheir gazing out at the sea or stargazing at night."

"Its quite endearing actually"

Makino finished her rant with a determined smile that spread across her cheeks.

"Ne luffy, could you do me a favour?"

Luffy nodded as he he swallowed his meat bone and all. "Yeah? what is it?"

"Could you maybe take Y/N out to sea? Make them apart of your crew?"

Luffy grinned sheepishly.

"I was already planning on it!"

He said with a laugh.

Makino ushered him outside to go ask Y/N, while having the thought

'im sure when Y/N goes with luffy to become a pirate, I'll definitely see them smile more!'

She chuckled at the thought with a soft smile as she began humming a tune when washing luffys many plates.


Luffy made his way away from the town and to where he saw 'Y/N'.

Now you'd think he'd calmly approach Y/N right? As to not scare the poor child. But since luffy is intellectually unavailable, he just quietly sat next to y/n without being noticed, and tapped their back with a smile.

(Resulting in Y/N screaming "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOUU")

Y/N who was clearly shaken, glared at the boy with a strawhat next to them.

Luffy just laughed at Y/Ns reaction and began introducing himself.

"I'm Monkey.D.Luffy! And I'm gonna be the king of pirates!"

Y/N deadpanned,
"so what's the future king of pirates doing here?"

"I need to get my second crew member soon after I set sail!"
Luffy said with a smile

Y/N tilted their head with confusion and slight irritation.

"Okay soo, 1 what do I have do with that? 2 who even is your first mate??"



"Its you."


Y/N started sweating profusely while internally screaming.


"So come tomorrow at deck when Makino-san calls you yeah?"

Luffy ended before walking off to the mountain bandits he was currently living with.

Y/N was still shocked by suddenly becoming a pirate without them putting any input.


But I guess we'll find out if Y/N truly becomes a pirate when luffy sets sail.

To be continued in the next chapter..



Did you guys like this chapter??

Oh sorry about the 'san' I know it's kinda cringy to use but Ms Makino dosent sound right to me.

784 / 814 words.

Not proofread.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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