Chapter 33

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I collect all my sanity after a while of just starting at the man. "Listen I don't know who you are but you're not funny. You're sick."

"Amber I'm not lying." He grabs my arm as I try to leave. "The only reason I haven't met you is because I didn't even know until a couple of years back. Even then the only thing I knew was your name. I didn't even know who your mother was. Amber I-"


"Amber listen to me. My name is Samuel John Streeter. Amber..." The man gets cut off by Howle asking us what's the problem. The man lets go of my arm. He hands me a business card. I look down and notice that the man is a doctor. The card states his name, number, and the address of his work place. I grip the card in my hand and watch as he leaves.

I can't help but wonder if he's telling the truth. If he is then he can help me with so much. He can answer my questions and lead me to my mother. If he's lying, if it's a scam, then he's one cruel creep.

"Are you okay Sevyn?" Howle asks.

"I'm fine. I just need to use the restroom." I rush off to the bathroom. Once there I wet a paper towel and dab it on my face. This is crazy.

The rest of the party us a drag. I couldn't focus on anything but that man. As soon as I got back to the group home I went to sleep, my last night since I'm officially emancipated, all thanks to Howle.

I end up staying awake the whole night. So many thoughts ran through my mind.

Right now I'm just sitting up in bed, waiting for Howle to come pick me up. We're going apartment shopping today since I'll need one, obviously.
"Girl you need to just call
him. If I had the opportunity to meet my dad and find my mom, I wouldn't even give it a second thought." Nicki, one of the group home girls, says walking into my room.
"It could be fake."
"What man do you know would want to make up a story about being someone's father. Its not like he's getting anything out of it. Just call him." She pats me softly on my back. She grabs the house phone and dials the number on the card. She waits until it starts ringing and then hangs it to me.

I wait nervously for Samuel to pick up the phone. "Hello?" Comes a raspy voice.

"This is Amber."

"Amber?" A flicker of amusement is found in his voice.

"I want a D.N.A. test." I blurt.

"What time is appropriate for you?"

"Right now." Before hanging up I give him the address of the group home since I won't be here anymore after today.

I put the phone back in its place. I then slip on my boots. I sit on the porch with my head in my hands and my lips poked out. My stomach is doing back flips. I can't stand it.

Once Samuel pulls up in front of the house I hop up. I yell at the girls to call the police if I'm not back in an hour. I mean I don't really know this man. I did some research on him last night. He's suppose to be one of the best dentist in the state. Judging from the comments left on his website, he's quite popular with his costumers. They love him.

I instruct Samuel to take me to the hospital for the test after warning him that I'm a skilled fighter and that my phone has a tracking device on it. Obviously it doesn't but he doesn't know that.

Once inside the hospital, a nurse instructs us to give her some blood samples. After taking the samples the nurse instructs us to wait two hours. We decide to go down to the cafeteria to talk. We decide to eat from the vending machines since we can both agree that the food is nasty. The only good thing is the fruit so I had Samuel buy me that. We're currently sitting to a table by ourselves.

"You're almost eighteen right?"

"I will be in two months. Why are you so sure I'm your daughter? Why do you even want anything to do with me?" I blurt out, getting straight to the point.

"When I first found out about you, I didn't even find out about you. The only thing I knew was your name. I know you're mine because your mother wasn't that type of person. An unfortunate change of events happened, leading me to you." My ears perk up once I hear him talk about my mother.

I sit up straight in my chair. "Where is my mother?"

He gives a look of pity. He rubs his hands over his face and sighs. "Amber-"

"Where is she, if you're my father."

"She died." My heart sinks at the hearing of his words. It hurts a lot. A part of me knows it's true but a part of me is hanging on to the possibly that he can be lying about all of this. I shake my head and look away as a tear forms. I quickly blink it away. "Amber there's no need for me to lie."

I collect my sanity and start back firing questions at him. I end up finding out that Samuel has two other kids. He has a lovely wife at home and he's mixed with Italian, courtesy of his all Italian grandmother. When he starts questioning me about his son, my dead brother, I'm forced to tell him what happened. When I'm done he breaks out into a full blown crying fest. In that moment I relized that he really is my father. I mean who would break down like that over someone they don't have any connection with. Its just sad. He didn't get to meet his son and I didn't get to meet my mother.

After time is up, the nurse calls us back to check over our test. She explains to me what I already knew, Samuel John Streeter is my father. I'm 99.9% his.

I agree to give him a chance in my life. I don't want to hold any grudges. I know my brother would have wanted us to build some sort of relationship. I know things aren't going to pop up and be good between us but it's worth a try.

On our way out of the hospital a young child stops me and hands me something. I look down and notice it's the ring my brother gave me. I decide to give it to Samuel. He breaks down crying again. I comfort him. He's the only family I have aside from his two kids, my siblings. He has a son a couple years older than me and a daughter that's slightly younger. Today marks the start of new beginnings. A piece of the crazy puzzle I call my life is finally put together. I'm not whole but I'm getting there.

"Samuel if you tell me about my mother, I'll tell you about your son."

He turns from the road and looks over to me with a smile. "Deal." The whole ride back to the home is filled with happy memories of our lost loved ones. It feels good. It feels really good.


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