chapter 21

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   My hands shook violently as I walked down the seemingly endless rows of tombstones. I haven't been to this place in years.

   I stopped when I came to one tombstone in particular. It read,

   Daniel Martin, loving son and brother. 2000-2010.
   "Hey Daniel. I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you. I've just been busy. You know how I am. Always staying on my feet." I begin. I don't know if anyone knows this but its not as easy talking to someone dead as it is in the movies. Its really weird. Especially when you know they can't talk back. Tears flowed down my cheek as I thought about Daniel. This surprised me because I haven't cried since Daniel's funeral.  After all these years its still hard. I don't think it ever gets easy though.

   "Danny I miss you." I stated calling him his little nickname. I couldn't say anything else so I just fell to my knees and cried. My heart aches so bad. I truly do miss Daniel. He is the only person that ever understood me. The only person I could talk to. The only person that ever truly loved me and he's gone. He may have been young but he was very mature for his age. We both were. I mean we had to be. Life wasn't so kind to us.

   "Sevyn?" The voice startled me to death. I jumped up ready to fight. Until I saw an old friend. He looked different from the last time I saw him. But I mean he is older. His skin looks soft. A nice brown. He cut off all his thick curly hair. Last time I saw him he was skinny and had big dorky glasses. Now he's buff and lost the glasses. I smiled brightly.

   "Nard? Last time I saw you, you were rocking nerdy glasses and sketchers. Now you rocking timberlands and what is this versace?" I joked, pulling gently on his shirt.

   "You still remember them glasses huh?" His voice grew deep and husky.

   "How can I forget. How have you been? And what are you doing here?"

   "I decided it was time to come visit my brother. Its been too long. But I'm okay."

   "Sevyn I know something is bothering you. Whats up?" Nard asked wearily. I sighed heavily.

   "Well I lost my ring on this very day."

   "Oh man. I know how much that ring Danny gave you means to you. Its sad that you lost it on the day he died...sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." I don't have a problem crying in front of Nard. He's seen me cry more than once growing up. He wrapped me in a warm embrace I gladly accepted. He gently stroked my hair.

   "I'm just a mess."

   "We all have our days. You want to come with me to my crib? We can just chill."

   I wiped the tears from my face clear of tears. "I'll come but I don't want to chill I want to go out to the club or something since the last time I was here I was too little to do any of that stuff."

   "Okay we can go." Nard smiled. Did I forget to mention he is way cuter than the last time I saw him. He is handsome. Wait I'm with Ramon. Lord let me stop. "You got a car?" I shook my head. He nodded. I entwined my fingers in his as we walked back to his car. My mouth literally fell open. This nigga drives a Ferrari laFerrari. A cherry red one. This nigga is bawling. "Close your mouth baby girl. You act like I don't have cash."

   "Last time I saw you you didn't."

   Nard shrugged his shoulders and opened the door for me. I got in. We drove for about fifteen minutes until we came to a hault at this really nice apartment complex. With a car like Nards you'd think he lives in a huge mansion but it doesn't surprise me.that he doesn't. Nard isn't the type to flaunt things around in people face. He smart and wise. The apartment is really nice. Its not too big but its beautiful.

   "Can I rest here for a little while? I'm kind of tired."

   "Of course Munchi. You can sleep in my room."

   I rolled my eyes. "Nard I can't believe your still calling me that after all those years." Munchi is my little nickname Nard made up. Everyone started calling me that. I hated that name.

   "Girl srop. You act like you old or something."

   "Whatever." I gave a little push before heading back to his room. As soon as my face collided with Nard's soft bed I instantly fell asleep.


Chasing The DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora