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October 31st. Halloween.
Mikayla Lark's all time favorite holiday, one of her favorite days of the year and tonight she will be at the best party of the year, surrounded by those she loves.
It's a monday, meaning Miki has class from 10:30am to 3:50pm and she has only a few minutes left of her last lecture, she felt agitated all day.
Excited for tonight, she had her costumes spread around her bed and her mind finally set straight; she would try and finally ask Rutger to be with her. Officially.

Once class was out she hurried to her car and quickly drove over to the nearest starbuck to grab to grab something for her and her roommates, and was home in only fifteen minutes. She sped into the small apartment and left the drink on the counter, grabbing hers and locking herself in her room. She opened spotify and put on her october playlist that consisted mostly of Evanescence, Garbage, and other bands similar to those. Miki would be going to the party dressed like Snow White, or something similar.
She had a yellow mini skirt, a small white cropped tank top with lace around the hem, and a dark midnight blue corset with a small red ribbon placed on top of it.

She opened the blinds and let the warm light enter the room and lit a few candles spread around the room. Mik was beyond excited to show herself off since no one knew exactly what she would be for Halloween, except Lo and Abby; who were going as Velma and Daphne, who helped with deciding the costume. Miki sat on her rug and decided to paint her nails a bright red, singing softly to 'enemy' by Jennifer Tefft.
Around 5:30 she decided to quickly show the shave and wash her face, once she was out she let her hair down. She made sure to moisturize everywhere and threw on an oversized tee shirt and she decided to blowout her hair to add some volume.

She did her makeup like she usually does except she did a little more eye makeup and she was ready for the party, so she quickly ate something quick; a can of sliced peaches while her roommates ate leftovers.

She was in her own car tonight, letting her roommates enjoy themselves tonight with the bother having Mikki going home and dragging them with her. She was blasting music on the way to the party, singing her heart out without a care in the world, that was until she received a text from Rutger.
She had completely forgotten that he and the rest of their friends would be attending the party, the text said how he had arrived at the party with the others.
He had also warned her that many people were already at the party, Mik was a little nervous to be entering the party alone and awkwardly having to find her friends through the crowd.

She pulled up to the house and parallel parked on the curb, the front doors closed but she could hear the muffled music blasting from the inside.
She hopped out the car and straightened her skirt, fluffing her hair, and walked up to the house with confidence.
She opened the large wood door and was greeted with crowds and crowds of people everywhere, smoke illuminating the air and different colors moving throughout the room. She walked a little further, passed what she presumed to be the living room and into the kitchen to drink a drink.

She was satisfied to have found a large bowl with a dark red liquid with floating plastic eyeballs in it, only putting a little amount in her up.
She decided to wander around until she'd find her friends, she pulled out her phone to text Luke to ask where they all were but right as she pushed through enough people she heard his voice.
Pushing through the crowd she first spotted Ethan and Mark who were in yellow hazmat suits; dressed as Jesse and Heisenberg and sharing a bong. They were in their own world and didn't see Miki but Dylan did, Mik Couldn't even tell what he was but he proudly shouted that the girl had arrived and it didn't take long for her to realize her friends were in front of her.

She got a few cheers from people surrounding the living room then spotted Rutger on the couch next to Luca. He was dressed in a spider-man suit with gray sweatpants on, Mik was a little surprised at his costume but she loved it. Luca was wearing a suit and she remembered him telling her that he and Johnny were going as MIB.
She slowly approached him and she finally caught his eye, he stopped what he was doing not caring about whatever Luca was telling him. He was in awe over the girl in front of him, she looked gorgeous and he knew that but right now she was powerful.
"Hey boys," she smiled at the three infront of her with her hands on her hip, "God damn." Johnny said first, looking her up and down with his jaw slightly dropped.

"H-Hey Mik," Rutger said flustered, Luca said hi before looking around for any open space for the girl. But she didn't hesitate to sit on Rutgers lap and wrap an arm around his neck, "how's the party going?" She said innocently, she laughed at how weird they were all acting. "We'll let you guys catch up." Johnny said, dragging Luca with him and they laughed to each other.

"Hey Mik," Rutger said quietly so only she could hear him and wrapped his hand down on her bare thigh. She bit her lip in return and brought his lips to hers, kissing him hard as he slid his hand just above the hem of her skirt. She moaned into the kiss and he gripped her thigh hard, she pulled away knowing where this was going.
"Let's dance," she was breathing heavily but pushed herself off his lap and grabbed his hand, he stopped her from walking and she turned to face him.

warning: the next chapter will include mature content.

miss y'all and I'm sorry for not updating but I'm now working on writing  a lot more than I have while also continuing to work on another project. I'm going to be submitting two chapter tonight and won't be updating more for a few days but I love you all!!
Thank you for being so patient and for all the reads, and his is all so cool and just know I appreciate it so so much :)
Love y'all so much😭

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