tell it to the frogs

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Sorry for taking a little while with this chapter, I had a burst of creativity for two new stories that I'm writing. But I'm now gonna try and update this some more, also if you guys have noticed my writing style has been switching and changing. So yea when I have time I'll go through the chapters and update them, if I don't forget.

'Now time to find Rick and the others,' i thought.


Now that I was outside I was running around, trying to find where the group was.

'Damn it, where are they?' I thought, but they were no where to be found. Just then I heard the sound of a horn siren. I ran to the sound and saw that there was a red car with a truck driving out of the city.

'They left me?' I thought, but they wouldn't leave me. Would they?

'Guys, wait!' I tried to say but all that came out was just a bunch of gurgled sounds. And just like that they were gone.

'Wait no!' I thought and kept growling and ran towards the where they disappeared. But tripped and fell.

"₩₳ł₮!!!" I finally yelled out. But they were gone, I clumsily got to my knees and looked down at the ground. I then saw on the ground were two droplets of water.

'Am I crying?' I thought and raised my hand up to my face.

'But why am I crying now? I couldn't when I saw people dead or-' I tried to think but I then heard a growl. I snapped my head and saw it was the little girl from earlier.

"What happened?" She asked me, I quickly wiped my face and stood up.

"Nothing, just fell," I said, then turned to walk away.

"Wait, miss," I heard her say, I turned back to look at her.

"Could I maybe, come with you?" She asked me, I stared at her. She looked completely human other than having pale skin and knotted hair. I tilted my head and sighed.

"Alright, but you are getting cleaned up first," I said and raised my hand, she smiled and skipped over to me and grabbed my hand.

"So, what's your name miss?" She asked me, I looked down at her.

"It's y/n, you?" I asked her, she smiled and looked down.

"I think it was Chloe, but my memory is fuzzy," she said, I nodded.

"Were you with anyone y/n?" She asked me, I groandly chuckled and nodded my head.

"Yea, but they just left to get something. I'm sure they'll be back," I said with a shrug. She nodded, we were now walking along one of the main streets. Where most of the walkers were, most of them stopped to look at me while they ignored Chloe.

'Sure is a rough neighborhood,' I thought and cringe. As we were walking a walker came up to me and leaned into my neck, causing me to stop.

"Why you smell human?" He groaned out.

"Why you smell like shit?" I replied, he snarled and reared his head back to snap his jaw.

"You wanna die?!" He said with his face up close and personal to mine.

"Maybe brush your teeth first before you kill me," I said and gagged. That seemed to push him over, cause the next thing I knew. I was jumped on.

"I'm gonna rip you limb from limb," he said, tearing at my hoodie. I struggled sense he pinned me with his body weight, scratching and tearing my hoodie.

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