One | Jake

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This chapter was written by the incredible casmitchell 😍

"How's the security detail going Mr. Commander?" Nat asks, dropping a stack of files onto her desk across from mine. I groan, tossing my own papers down.

"Explain to me why we're setting up security for an event we aren't even working but being honored at?" I question, Nat laughs from behind her coffee with the logo of my wife's cafe in clear view. "How's Em this morning?"

"Dreading tonight." Nat responds. "Are you really making her go?"

"Mayor Mitchell was very specific about bringing our significant others." I state clearly.

"Let me correct." Nat leans over the desk, lowering her voice. "Do you really want to bring your wife, THE Persephone, to a banquet honoring the task force meant to bring her and all of our significant others in for murder? Do you realize how many Furies are gonna be in that room?!" She shouts in a whisper.

I do realize how many will be there, the Furies only accidentally started dating every single person in the task force. I'm married to the leader, Emory. Her second in command, Birdie, is married to the main CSI on the case, Bob. Nat is dating their plant expert, Fern. Bradley is engaged (to be engaged) to the third in command and their lawyer, Atlas. And it doesn't stop there.

"The girls are smart, Nat. No one will be the wiser to the Furies wining and dining under their noses." I brush off her concern. I am fully aware of the abilities of my wife and her sisters. They'll be fine, I know it.

"Well your wife isn't entirely sure of that." Nat states. "Perhaps you should talk to her."

"We've talked, Nat. She's going and everything will be fine."


"You know, when I announced I was campaigning for Mayor, I figured most of Austin would laugh at me. I mean, I was the Commander who hadn't ranked in 20 years and the minute I got the offer I retired to focus on my family. Not really a look everyone wants to vote for."

Many of the fellow policemen in the hall laughed at Mayor Pete Mitchell's speech, including myself and my team who have at one point or another worked directly under him at Austin PD.

"But look where we are! 5 years later and I am 3 months into my first term as Mayor and we have accomplished so much!" Pete continues, earning applause from his audience. "But today isn't about me. No, today is about the men and women assigned to bring down the vigilantes of Austin. Known as the Task Force to policeman, the Spartans in the media and heroes to the citizens of Austin, I simply know them as my friends. Here's to them, may they find victory in bringing Persephone and the Furies to their knees."

I eye my wife beside me who barely lifts her glass as high as everyone else at our table. I know she's uncomfortable with the Spartan Furies talk, especially at my work events. It's her livelihood, her creation. "Hey, you okay?"

"I'm fine." She mutters, a soft smile graces her features.

"Make it through tonight and I'll make it worth your while when we get home." I whisper to her with a wink. Normally, Em would get THE look on her face and say something along the lines of 'why wait?' but tonight, her gaze doesn't leave the mayor's frame as he moves down to greet a few men in suits by the stage. "Sweets?"

"Can't. Girls and I are meeting at the Underworld afterwards."

Since when? They all agreed to take the night off. I literally just listened to Bob and Birdie make their own plans for when they get ho... oh. "Who came into the Bakery?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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