Chapter 2

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'Hi dad' I hugged my loving father as he stood on my doorstep.
'Hello love' I looked into my dad's crystal blue eyes. They still had that spark of life in them that I loved so much. His skin wrinkled around his eyes when he smiled, proof of his age, though I wouldn't say he was that old. His platinum blonde hair was a mess, probably from the long flight and he looked absolutely jet lagged.
'Here why don't you rest for a while?' I showed him to the guest bedroom and placed his bags in the corner.
'Oh nonsense, I am absolutely starving darling. The plane food is terrible, you know probably. I would prefer eating something made by my daughter' he said brightly
'Sure dad. Umm pasta primavera sound good?' I asked
'Hmm, alright. But it better be hellishly good'
'Hey I learned from the best' I said lightly
'Of course you did' he seemed proud, he did teach me after all.
'Why don't you take a shower? And I'll see what I can do' I suggested.
I hugged him lightly, 'I love you dad' I said, I had missed him so much. This man is the reason I am what I am today. He saved me and I owe him my whole life for that.
He seemed slightly surprised at my gesture seeing as how distanced I keep myself all the time.

'This is marvellous darling' dad complimented, eating a forkful of pasta.
'Thanks dad. So ummm.....mind me asking why you're here in LA?' I asked. He was usually in New York all through the year so for him to be in LA, something must have been going on.
'Ohh its just, the producers of Kitchen Nightmares wanted to do a few segments here in LA' he explained

Dun dun dun.....can you guess who Marissa's father is??? Lemme know in the comments and whether or not it doesn't seem so corny.

'That seems pretty interesting dad, any idea which restaurant you'll be going to this time?' I asked, my interest piqued. My dad had this habit of being next to the devil when it came to the kitchen
'Yeah, I think its someplace called The LA Diner, or something like that' he replied.
'Hmmm I haven't really heard of it before' I shrugged
'Neither have I. But enough about that, how's your work going sweetheart?' He stares me expectantly. Of course he would expect perfection since he taught me everything I ever knew. And yeah everything was going smoothly.
'Everything is going great dad. Just the usual'
'That's nice. Maybe some day I could come over and see how you run your ship ehh??' He suggested.
'That would be lovely. Tell you what. Why don't you come in tomorrow and audit the whole thing?' I chimed
'Nothing would make me happier darling' he smiled at me, his skin crinkling at his eyes
We continued our dinner in silence after that, occasionally asking the odd question like how everything was going and all that.
'Oh I forgot to tell you, Bruce has been asking about you' he spoke up
'Dad, come on. At least try to be a bit more believable' I said jokingly
'Ahh you know I just want you two to get along' he said, a hint of sadness lacing his voice
'Dad you know that Bruce never actually thought of me as his sister so it's okay, it doesn't really bother me' I said, squeezing his hand in a comforting manner
'But it bothers me Marissa' he said, slightly agitated.
'Dad, listen. I know it's not ideal, and it's not his fault either, I mean he's just a kid, it's hard for him to wrap his head around the idea that some stranger is his big sister' I defended my step brother.
'Marissa you know very well that I have always thought of you like my own daughter'
'Yeah dad I know and I wouldn't want it any other way but Bruce will eventually come around' I tried reasoning with him
'Its been nine years Marissa. At this rate, I don't think he'll ever come around' he sighed
'It'll be okay dad, get some sleep. Good night' I kissed the top of his head lightly and began to clear the table.
'Good night darling' he said, leaving for his room.

Harry's POV
'Mate I'm pretty starved, let's go get some food yeah?' Niall suggested once we were done with rehearsal. We were supposed to do a show some time next week so practice took up most of our time.
'Yeah great. How about that place right next to my apartment, Bonne nouriturre?' I suggested
'You love that place so much, why not marry the owner?' Liam joked
'Nahh man, I am in no mood for wrinkly old man ass' I replied
'How would you know if the owner is a wrinkly old geezer?'
'Its just a guess' I shrugged and headed out with them.
'So mate? What happened to that girl you went home with that night?' Louis asks me as I rev the engine of my Range rover.
'I don't know' I shrug.
'You should really stop doing that you know?' He tells me
I sigh loudly, I know what I do is wrong and I should stop but it's fun. And its not like any emotions are involved, this is why I prefer one night stands.
'When I find the right one I might stop' I reply absent mindedly.
'How are you supposed to find anyone when you don't even stick around longer than a few hours?' He asks
'I'll know when it happens. Because when it does happen, that girl will be so worth it' I reply
'You're such a sap actually, yet you put on this asshole persona for some reason' he tells me, this is slowly turning into a lecture I didn't want to hear
'Girls always fall for the asshole bro' I reply, ending the conversation there and then.

Aww did you figure out who Marissa's father is? :P
And isn't their father daughter relationship kinda cute and sad at the same time? What do you think? Let me know :)
And as always vote and comment :)

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