Chapter 28

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Harry's POV
Dinner was going to be interesting and boy was it. Not in a highly eventful way, more like my family was uncomfortable beyond belief which only made it much more hilarious. Leave it to Gemma to go tell mum what happened.
We sat quietly around the dinner table, Gemma not making eye contact with me as if I'd done something terrible, not kiss my girlfriend, who looked hot as hell in that outfit. Except that damn turtleneck! Note to self, never let her wear turtlenecks around me again
'This is really good. Mrs. Styles did you make this?' Marissa comments, trying to get them to talk. Oh how I love her for trying. But she doesn't know my family.
'Yes I did. It wasn't really that much trouble honestly' mum replies, taking a swig of wine.
'No....You must be joking. I can't imagine the trouble you must have gone through. Beef wellington is never easy, I should know' Mars replies in a light tone.
'So you've made this before?' Mum asks her
'A fair amount of times. But it's actually my father's signature dish so mine is nowhere near as good as his' Mars tells her and I place my hand on her knee. She glances at me for a second and I catch the look of affection on her beautiful face. I hold her hand in mine below the table as the conversation begins to flow.
'Your father's dish? What does your father do? He a chef like you?' My mother asks.
'Oh you must know him. My father is Gordon Ramsey' she replies casually, taking another bite and Gemma chokes on her drink.
I try and stifle back my laughter as I see the look of shock on my mother's face. See mum? Not after my money.
I can't really blame my mother for being so overprotective, girls from all over try to get with me just for the fame and money, and she's just doing her job as a parent.
I look over at Marissa and a mischievous smile plays on her lips as she keeps her gaze on her plate. She's enjoying this too.
'The Gordon Ramsey?' Gemma asks once she's cleared her throat.
'Oh is there someone else with the same name that I don't know about?' Marissa asks coyly. I love her like this. I run my hand up her leg, slowly but she slaps my hand away quickly. Okay...well baby, two can play at this game. I use my fingers to lightly trace patterns on the bare skin of her legs, while keeping my expression neutral. I look over to her and a slight blush appears on her cheeks. Oh how I love that.
'Yes Gemma, I'm Gordon Ramsey's daughter' Marissa tells her
'I thought he had a son' mum says. The minute I begin to focus on the conversation, I feel something creep up my leg. I look down and see her hand slowly moving until she places it on my cock. Fuck. I response instantly to her touch and it makes me choke on the drink I had and I begin to cough violently. She still doesn't move her hand as she looks to me, 'Everything okay honey?' She asks so innocently as if nothing happened. I look to my mother and sister who are both staring at me, waiting for me to reply but I can't seem to speak.
'Uh....umm' I clear my throat, 'Yeah I'm fine. Must have something stuck in my throat' I manage to say. I glance over at Marissa and she sips her drink, a mischievous look on her face, her hand still on my cock. Oh what I wouldn't do to wipe that smirk off her face.
'Umm yes Gemma. To answer your question, he does have a son. I'm adopted, remember?' Mars replies, taking the attention back to her.
My mother's eyes widen at the confession as if it deprives a person from being a normal functioning human being.
'Oh' mum says and continues with her meal.

We say our goodbyes as we head out. Somewhere along the visit, my mother has begun to warm up to my girlfriend. I wouldn't have doubted it once, no one is able to resist Marissa and her kind personality. My mother and Gemma both hug Mars tightly as we stand outside.
'Now, if he gives you any trouble dear, you tell me' mum tells her as if I'm five years old not a grown man.
'I'll take of him Mrs. Styles, don't worry' Marissa reassures my mother and places a hand on my shoulder. She gazes at me lovingly and I can't help but wrap an arm around her, just so I can touch her in some way.
We finally leave after I've given my mum and sister a hug.
It's quiet in the car so I decide to break the silence, 'Well that was interesting' I say
'It definitely was. I like them' she replies
'I think they like you too. So when do I get to meet your dad, the infamous Gordon Ramsey?' I ask
'Soon' she replies with a sweet smile
'I just hope he likes me' I admit to her
'Why wouldn't he?' She asks. We've had this conversation before but now the roles are reversed.
'Ehh you're you and then I'm just.... I'm just me' I say, not sure how to explain it to her.
'Oh Harry' she says in a loving tone and I just want to hug her.
'I love the way you say my name' I tell her
'Really?' She seems surprised
'Yup' I tell her and concentrate on the road.
I feel her hot breath near my ear and I know she's up to something.
'Harry....I want you' she whispers hotly in my ear and my grip on the steering wheel tightens along with my pants. She lightly takes my lobe between her teeth for a second before sitting back down.
She has a smirk on her luscious lips as she gazes ahead.
'You know its hazardous to distract someone while he's driving?' I say
'I know' she says and gives me a mischievous look. I am so taking care of that look once we get home.

'Well, that was fun' she states, stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in a large fluffy towel. I follow her with a towel wrapped around my waist.
'Why have we never taken a bath before like that?' I ask as we step into the bedroom.
'Hmm, mostly because you prefer the shower' she replies, a hand on her hips.
'I may have to rethink my choices next time' I quip. I still feel her body against mine, the way the water splashed around us, how she took me, oh it was amazing. She's amazing.
She slips on my t shirt and gets into bed before I crawl in next to her, wearing a pair of pajama pants.
I hold her close to me in bed and she plants a small kiss on my pec.
'Tell me about what happened with your dad' I request her, because I've always wanted to know all of it. I just know the gist she told me on the first night and after that I never brought it up.
'Why?' She asks, a sudden fear in her features over takes her. I will admit, a small part of me still doubted what she told was real or not. I know it makes me a horrible boyfriend for doubting her, but after what happened, I doubted everything she had told me. But seeing her reaction right now, it make me feel guilty inside for ever thinking that she could lie about something like this.
'I want to know. Please baby' I urge her, kissing her knuckles.
'Okay' she replies

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