Part 1: Slaughtered Blood

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The night was peaceful. The sound of the tiniest raindrops dropping into the vast fields of grass and the slow sounds of crickets chirping away. It seemed every creature was in perfect harmony and rhythm. Playing away to the song of the forest. It was a perfect night. But it was a shame it would be ruined. A dark figure from the edge of the forest slowly began to come upon a settlement and climbed over the shitty fence which the settlers had made. These settlers were the exiles of the clans that existed in the solar system. Each Clan was different and some of them disgusted the dark figure, but he had plans to take them down later on. He came upon the sleeping exiles. They were named Lone Wolves despite not deserving such a name. They were the scum of the universe, but here, they slept like an innocent child in bed on Kristmas day. The dark figure took an explosive out of their pocket and lit the fuse before throwing it down into the house of the sleeping exiles. Listening to the sounds of panic as the Wolves woke up trying to escape or wake up others, but the attempt was effortless. The bomb went off with a loud explosion. Guts and intestines flew everywhere. Those out of range started to scatter in fear. The dark figure smiled as he grabbed some throwing knives and headed after the wolves. A few had run to the nearby outpost, which belonged to other clans. The Crusaders, Bear Vikings, Rebel Union, and the Troll Army had won a war on this planet against the Wolves' previous tyrannical leader. So they set up outposts to watch them and send over their own exiles. The dark figure had to act fast before other clans got involved, but not too fast for now. He went out and killed them one by one at a steady pace. They tried to cross a river like the stupid morons they were. One even drown-

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! THERE IS A MURDERER! ALL THE OTHERS ARE DEAD! PLEASE HELP ME!" He ran towards the edge of the forest and saw a young female yelling at the other clan's outposts. He drew one of his knives and threw it, aiming for the girl's neck. The last thing he needed were those brutes, called Crusaders, getting involved. The knife had gone through the girl's head, seemingly cutting it in half. Almost instantly, she was dead and the right side of her brain fell out when her body made an impact with the ground. It was horrible to look at, but she was a traitor to some other clan. She had to deserve her fate. No, she deserved it.

"Contact the main planet NOW! Someone go check out the status of the wolves! LETS GO SOLIDERS! BEFORE THEY GET AWAY!" He heard the yelling and bickering of the clan members at the outpost. The panic heard in the voices he heard almost made him smile. But he had to go back and make sure all of them were truly dead. He took time looking over their bodies, checking for any signs of pulses, and then burning the corpses. The figure questioned what was taking the clans so long to check in. He was nearly done, and no one had seemed to come into the forest to check on the Wolves' settlement.

"What are you doing here, you dumb Potato?" A 'wolf,' finally spoke. "I thought Potatoes were meant to be peaceful." The dark figure picked up the 'wolf,' by its shirt.

"Why would I be peaceful to some traitor like you?" He finally spoke, with a deep monotonous voice.

"You will not get away with this Galaxy, you will fuck up eventually!" It laughed and spat some blood onto Galaxy's cheek. However, Galaxy remained unfazed. He pinned the 'wolf' to a wall with multiple throwing knives before leaving the settlement, leaving it set ablaze. For good measure, he did a fire spell on the forest to get it to burn down. It was to throw anyone off his trail since Firey was the magical clan. Those dumbasses would be looking for someone in the wrong clan. And just like that, all the wolves were either dead or ash and no clan would know it was him.

He got into his ship and began to fly towards his home planet while getting rid of the evidence he had on him. Galaxy's ship flew for days before it reached his home planet, which drove him insane due to the smell of bleach he had used to get rid of evidence. He had then gone to help his clan members harvest food in the fields like nothing had happened. It was not long before he got a notification that the other leaders were having a meeting. He left his home planet again to fly off to the meeting place, which was on the outskirts of their solar system. Galaxy wouldn't be the last one there since the Firey Revolution had just lost their last leader, and no one wanted to be in charge. Galaxy had sighed, as he knew he had to pretend to like the rest of the clan leaders. He had parked on the dwarf planet and hopped out for a long hike up to the headquarters. While he partook of the lengthy walk, he was thinking about the other clans. Especially those Crusaders. They made all the weapons for war, but half the time spoke of peace. They fought brutally and seemingly without honor. Their leader, Demi, was the most feared person in the solar system because she clearly was stronger than she appeared. Some questioned if she was a god. She had done feats of strength and speed like it was nothing, and no one questioned it. And then Demi's husband Tyn, who would crack your skull if you pronounced his name as "tine" instead of "ten". He was a fighter, and a pretty damn good one. He was clever as a diplomat and commander of the armed forces. They were a power couple and would pose a great threat in the future. They would be the last one Galaxy would take down. Galaxy and his Potato army wouldn't be strong enough to take them down first. The other clans weren't as big of an issue, but the Crusaders thrived no matter what. While other clans depended on the Powered Potatoes for food, the Crusaders did not. They would be the biggest threat to Galaxy and the Powdered Potatoes if war was declared, so it would be best to get on their good side. The Bear Vikings were small, but they were the only clan that may have a shot at Galaxy's mercy. The other clans were pretty much just dead weight to the Potato leader. Galaxy finally made it up to the hill and into the meeting house. It was somewhat chaotic. But Demi nor Tyn were in sight.

"Galaxy, have you heard what was going on?" It was Kacpix, the small Troll emperor. His voice constantly cracked, and it was annoying.

"No, I am afraid I have not." Galaxy responded while sitting down in his designated spot. It had only been a few months since he took control of the Potatoes since the old leader abandoned the clan. Oh, how Galaxy wished he had that pathetic leader's head on a pike.

"Someone attempted to overthrow the bear leader!" Kacpix sounded more and more like a high pitched little child.

"His name is Kenichi! There are two bear chiefs, Panda and Kenichi. Get their names right and respect your fellow leaders, you little bitch!" Galaxy paused to calm down. While he didn't really care for any clan or their leader. The least they could do was respect others. Especially that greedy ass Troll who showed respect for no one unless Demi was in the room. What a little suck up. "That is unfortunate. I say we send troops after the traitor and to protect Kenichi and his clan."

"Great idea Galaxy, but we already got the traitor. However, that is not why I called you all here." All the leaders had turned their heads to see Demi, that damn Crusader leader. She walked in and sat down. Her metal boots clunking every step. She had an iron chest plate on while having a tunic underneath and recently polished iron leggings. "The traitor was executed, like all the other wolves a few days ago on the planet Nephamia. It seems to have been a genocide with some magic involved. We are not sure who yet, but we will keep investigating it and taking leads." The room fell silent.

"D-did any make it out alive?" Alexy asked. Galaxy looked over and saw tears come out of his eyes. Alexy differed from the other leaders. His clan was fascist however, Alexy was a good person and cared about his people; Even the Wolves, which Galaxy had just killed.

"One made it out Alexander. They did not see anyone due to being blind and sleeping in the bathtub for whatever reason, but they claimed to have heard a name that night from one of the Wolves, before the murderer left. So we are going to investigate them and protect the child for as long as possible." Demi assured the fascist leader. Galaxy sat as calm as he possibly could, however, he was internally panicking. The rest of the meeting happened like usual, some trading and yelling at each other. Then the other leaders left. First was Kacpix, the Troll emperor; then Alexy, the Rebel Union, fascist leader; and lastly Kenichi, who came in late. Everyone was gone but Demi and Galaxy.

"I think I should go." Galaxy attempted to get up and get away as quickly as possible, but he was flung back into his chair by Demi's magic. Demi slowly walked over to him. The clank of her metal boots made him grow more nervous. The leader who had never feared anything was now scared, like the child in the bathtub.

"I know you killed them, Galaxy." The crusader paused and then put her mouth near his ear. "I was there on Nephamia that night." She whispered as Galaxy began to sweat. With the speed of lightning, she grabbed him by his shirt almost in the same way he had grabbed that 'wolf' back on Nephamia. "I made a promise with one of your fathers that I would not let you get in trouble and this is how you repay him! He didn't die protecting you for you to go commit genocide on men, women and children!" She dropped him onto the floor and turned to leave. Meanwhile, Galaxy's heart was racing and his breathing was heavy.

"What are you going to do with me?" He quickly blurted. Demi stopped and turned around. He couldn't see the light in her eyes because they were pitch black before bright golden pupils had appeared in them.

"Nothing for now, since I owe your father a lot. However," she paused as knives appeared in the wall around Galaxy. "Next time, you won't get off scot free. And no one will save you from execution. Whatever has gotten into you needs to stop now. I won't hesitate to kill you myself!" She warned, and just like that, she was gone. Galaxy took some time to calm down since, at that point, he was hyperventilating. Eventually, the leader fell asleep. He was hugging his knees and had his head on them. One could describe the position as uncomfortable, but it did not stop him from sleeping, for he got a good 4 hours of sleep.

Galaxy picked his head up, and his eyes opened a little. He was still somewhat asleep but could move around. He heard voices, telling him all sorts of things. To kill everyone who stood in his way. Was it his subconscious or something else? Galaxy rubbed his eyes and let out an enormous yawn before standing up. It was not long before the voices were gone, but the message was clear. Do whatever it took. Galaxy went into his ship and started the trip back to his own planet. For he had a lot of time to plan the downfall of all the clans and the Crusader Queen.

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